

So I've been to the gym like 3 times since back from the honeymoon and just been eating like crap...and I know it's only going to get worse with the holidays. So I've decided to make an effort to make some better food choices and try to start exercising again. I've been trying to cook some dinners with healthy, fresh ingredients and then bring my lunch. I feel like just avoiding eating my lunch and lots of dinners out we'll be healthier. I just love greek food lately, so created this recipe tonight that was fabulous! Basically I took all the ingredients I love in a chicken gyro and threw them together to make a pizza with a salad mixture on top.

Bought a Boboli pizza crust and spread some garlic hummus over it (like you would do with pizza sauce). I then topped it with some artichokes, sun-dried tomatoes, and roasted sweet peppers. I then added some pre-cooked italian chicken pieces and topped it with feta cheese. (I threw on a little provel also just to make it cheesier). I then baked in the oven for 10 minutes at 450 degrees. While that was cooking I made a tzatziki sauce. I combined 1 container of plain yogurt with a couple shakes of lemon juice, 3 garlic cloves grated in, 1/6 of a cucumber grated in, and then a sprinkle of dill. Stir together and set aside. I then chopped some red onion, cucumber (sprinkled dill over it), and kalamata olives. Take the pizza out of the onion and cut into 8 pieces. Top with half a bag of shredded lettuce. Sprinkle your red onion, cucumber, and olives on top. then take your sauce and put in a ziploc bag and cut the corner to make a small opening. you can then squeeze the sauce out of the bag and drizzle over your pizza salad. ENJOY! Only downside was it probably cost me $20 in ingredients :(