
Sick of feeling sick

So I can't re-iterate enough....wash your hands constantly! SO many people have been getting sick, but I thought for sure I'd avoid it....wrong! I'm blaming keanan cause we baby-sit him Saturday night and he was coughing and just germy like most kids are and then I wake up the next morning with a sore throat and it all begins! He was so cute and so much fun though, so it was worth it! My sore throat is now gone, but now just have a cough and stuffy/runny nose. I feel bad cause i'm sniffling constantly and sneezing and coughing, so I know my hands are disgusting and then I have to do things like touch the elevator button and door handles and such and figure I'm just spreading my germs to everyone else! Oh well, here's a pic of the cutie (one on the left) and bum baby-sitter:By the way, he is just talking up a storm now so it made it VERY entertaining! I'm really not so sure he really likes Dustin cause all Dustin does is just pester him or sat on the couch watching sports....not a fun baby-sitter in my terms! We worked puzzles, read a book, and then played lotsa cars and trains. Brought me back to days of my cousin Jeremy cause he is all about thomas the tank engine! The funniest thing he said was when I had told Dustin I wanted a soda, but there wasn't any in the fridge...so I ran downstairs to check for soda. I come back upstairs and said to dustin, no soda downstairs. So Keanan looks at me and says- "we have beers...you want beers?" I laughed and was like no, i don't like that. He then says, "my dad likes beers." Then he says, "me find you soda" and sure enough he did! I told dustin some high school kid will love baby-sitting there if he's offering up "beers!"

Despite being sick I've managed to make some good food this week cause I think some good homecooked food will help! On Sunday night I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup and man, was it yummy and have tons leftover! Another night we had steak (well, dustin had it), corn on the cob, and then made some awesome horsey smashed potatoes. I cooked 2-3 pounds of red potatoes in boiling water, then drained. Added a small container of sour cream and 2 spoonfuls of prepared horseradish and then a lot of chopped fresh chives...and of course s&p. I forgot I was going to add some bacon in there too, so maybe next time! And then last night I made some semi-risotto stuff I made up with red wine and parsley and then made a chicken casserole my mom used to make that I loved growing up...probably cause it has crushed potato chips on top! Dustin loved it and it tasted okay to me, but not as good as I remember.

In other news, dustin hurt his thumb playing softball this summer. It's been really bothering him but he refused to go to the Dr. before the wedding. So he finally went and they confirmed what he thought- he needs surgery and will be in a cast. So that all happens next week. So I'm sure we'll be doing even more movie watching than normal if that is possible!