
Lachlan - ONE YEAR!

Wow- how can it feel like this year just flew by, but it also seems like soooooo long ago that we were bringing him home from the hospital at this time last year?!  Just crazy, but absolutely the BEST year of my life :)  I will do a separate post for his birthday party, so I didn't include any details or pics here.


I also took his pic sitting up in his new chair and think I'm going to continue the monthly pictures with using this chair...he just looks so big here!  And I think he looks really similar to me at this age.

He celebrated his first thanksgiving....and it was awful.  We were visiting one of dustin's high school friends that was in town the night before thanksgiving.  Lachs was very whiny and not himself....after about an hour we figured out why when he projectile vomitted everywhere!  It was so embarrassing and I felt so awful for him.  He threw up a lot in the carseat on the ride home.  We put him in the bath once home and he was happy as could be like nothing happened.  I called the doctor's line and she said I could give him some pedialyte or just small amounts of formula and diarrhea would probably follow.  We couldn't believe it and he slept through the night, so we thought maybe it was just something he ate.  So we went to thanksgiving festivities...then about 6:00 at Dustin's relatives he threw up again.  Then the diarrhea started the following day.  Then I ended up sick over the weekend and Dustin was out of town.  So it was just a huge mess....hopefully next year goes better!

He got his first haircut- See previous post!

He has 7 teeth- 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top. He is wearing primarily all 18 month clothing.

Fine/Gross Motor Skills
  • Loves lifting flaps in books
  • Loves pointing at things
  • Still just cruising...does not stand on his own or want to use walker
  • Loves hiding behind the curtains for us to find him or play peekaboo
  • Has waved bye-bye a few times to me
 Verbal/Communication Skills
He has definitely figured out that the both arms in the air will get him held and uses that A LOT!  He is repeating words after us-- some are easier to understand than others, but you can definitely tell he is trying.  His most clear word is Duck.  He has started babbling mamamama a lot more.

We know he is understanding some of what we say, but is hard to tell how much.  Usually just as we think he understands, then he throws us for a loop and will get it wrong.  We quiz him a lot on where is mama and where is dad and we think he knows.  I think he knows a teddy bear ornament on the tree when I ask him where is teddy.  When I say where is lachlan, he will usually start to play peek a boo (if he feels like it).

He is really into pointing to things lately and uses his little pointer finger.  It cracked me up the first time I noticed it cause we were reading a book together and I always point to things on the page and he started to mimic me...it was as if he was mocking me!  He LOVES pointing to the ornaments and lights on the tree.  He will point to pieces of food on his tray and I'll tell him what it is.

I have been wondering if he recognizes himself in the mirror or just thinks it is a friend.  He always smiles at himself in the mirror and will usually try to kiss the mirror.  I read on the internet that a good test is to gently put an object like on his head and then see if when he sees it if he'll reach up to his own head or reach to the mirror....well he knew to reach for his own head.  So I think he understands the concept.

We are basically done with formula....woohoo!  We had started transitioning in milk in the sippy cup, but still doing formula in the bottles.  The kid loved his milk and didn't bat an eye.  Then we got to end of the formula supply, so I put milk in his bottle but just room it up a little so it isn't super cold.  Again, didn't bat an eye!  He is trying all sorts of new foods and very interested with what is on our plate.  He seems to like flavorful things rather than the more bland things.  I bought meatballs that were chicken, pineapple, ginger, and garlic...I can't get them on his tray fast enough for him to eat!  Last night he loved some goat cheese I had baked with pasta sauce.

His night sleep is good- pretty much sleeps 10.5-11 hours each night.  Naps are still a struggle at daycare.

Favorite Things
All the same as 11 months...but is even more clingy.  I call him my shadow cause even 6 inches away from me is just too far!  He likes sitting by himself in any of our chairs that rock or spin...I rock and twirl him around and he just giggles.  Loves snuggling with his gray afghan in bed...I'll watch him on the monitor and he will reach for it and pull it in close to him.  It is really the only thing that he seems to have taken to.  Still loves hair-- last week he was taking his night bottle and had one hand combing through my hair and his other hand reached up feeling his own hair....ahhhhh, heaven.

Typical Day at 12 months:
  • 7:00- He has started waking up a little later, boo-yah!  I give him 4 oz of milk warmed a little in a bottle.  He has not seemed overly interested, so I think we will start to phase this out.
  • 8:30- Breakfast (Prune Juice plus food: 1/2 waffle, pancake, french toast stick, oatmeal, etc)
  • 9:00- Nap
  • 11:30- Lunch and  4 oz milk in sippy cup (Normally eats mostly the school food, but depends what they have)
  • 1-1:30- Try to do afternoon nap
  • 3:00- Snack and milk in sippy
  • 6:00- Dinner and 4 oz milk in sippy cup (Has been LOVING meatloaf, meatballs, and my roasted root veggies)
  • 7:00- Bath every other night (We have tried to move this up a tad earlier due to him sleeping so late)
  • 7:30- 4 oz. bottle of milk (cut this down since is so close to dinner and he was leaking out his diaper so much at night)
Random Pics
I just plain suck at taking good pics indoors.  Luckily the weather warmed up quite a bit, so I got some outdoor pics in.  We went to a park and he just LOVED the leaves.  I have about 50 pictures of him playing in the leaves!

This one I took the time to edit and just love it...he refused to look up at the camera cause he was just so amazed by the leaves!


Lachlan's first haircut

The weekend before his first birthday party, we decided to take Lachlan to get his hair trimmed up.  It had been driving Dustin bonkers for at least the last month that he needed a haircut.  It really was just the sides that I wanted cut so it wouldn't be going over his ears and then the back trimmed a little so no one confused him with having a mullet.

I took him to Elle Salon & Spa here in Eureka which is where I go.  I thought about taking him to a special kids place, but there wasn't one close by and just seemed like a lot of effort...and I've known some people that have been disappointed with using them. 

I thought he was going to have difficulty sitting still, so I had a bottle and books prepared to distract him.  I couldn't believe my eyes and was like we had someone else's well-behaved kid.  He sat still 90% of the time and only cried briefly towards the end. 

I wish I had good before and after pics, but with a squirmy kid and my crappy photography skills, I didn't get that.  Here are a few pics to capture the event:

Just relaxing on my booster seat

Ummmm...why is this cape around me?

This lady has my dream job...she gets to feel hair all day

So far, so good

OMG, this is awful...get me outta here!

Calmed down after he realized how good he was looking