
AT&T frustration!

Seriously, AT&T should send this out to help people:I guess I'll first say that I still recommend using AT&T products, but just venting my frustration and telling the facts of my experience this week. So, I transferred my phone and DSL service from my condo to the loft in August...shouldn't that be an easy routine thing to do? The thing that has complicated this was that I upgraded to a faster DSL service at the loft....still not complicated though. EVERY MONTH since then they have my bill wrong and are still charging me for service at my condo...in addition to the loft! I've called 3 times and explained that it should be shut off, i don't live there, nothing should be billed to that phone number/address anymore! So I spent seriously like 4 hours on the phone being transferred around to like 5 people last month. One of the reps I talked to seriously told me that he didn't think it could be fixed and I'd just have to call each month to have them adjust it. Am I on some sort of hidden camera show? He really did not suggest that to me? I should have got his user ID and sent an email to his boss's telling them of that craziness. Instead, he eventually came up with the idea to transfer me somewhere else and they'd be able to help me. Ok, whatever, anything has to be better than this dude. So I got a very nice rep (but nice doesn't really matter to me) who assures me I will not see it come through on any more bills. Well, this week I open my bill and guess what- this is going to be hard to believe- but they are still charging me for service at my condo! So now I gotta call again and have ZERO confidence that they can get it right this time. So I guess my choices are to just cancel the service or call every month to have them fix the bill??? Hmmmmmm....doesn't see too ideal.

On top of that the company pushes us all the time to make referrals to our friends and family to use AT&T products. Well after all the experiences I have, it's a little hard for me to recommend my friends and family go through this torture. Anyways, Dustin's dad was interested in terminated his insurance company's contract with sprint and switching to AT&T. So we have this special hotline we are supposed to call with prospective customers on the line. There are posters all over work with this phone number and we get emails out the yin-yang on this. So Dustin gets some lady from his dad's work on the phone and they call the AT&T special hotline. So after being on hold Dustin gets through and the rep tells him this is the wrong number! So says she'll transfer them to the right number....then they sit on hold there for 30 minutes and finally hang up cause are sick of waiting! So this is the treatment we give potenetial customers??!?! How embarrassing???

Ok, guess that is enough venting about the company that gives me a paycheck each month! Once you get the service, I feel like it's great...it's just dealing with getting it set up and the billing!


Nothing is easy

So I decided tonight to just buckle down and try to get most of our tax info entered into TurboTax. Yes, Amy O'Brien must not be the procrastinator Amy Timmermann was doing her taxes last year on April 14th! Basically I got all my stuff done but all my Goodwill donations...which there were A LOT of cause of getting rid of everything at my condo! But in the meantime realized that I don't think I ever paid any property tax on my car for 2009 and I'm wondering if it's cause I moved from the county to the city that they couldn't find me or something. So guess I gotta call tomorrow and check into that and probably have some stupid penalty, which I'll try to argue if they do that. Ugh! On the bright side, made more money than the hubby this year! In a fun way, we are competitive to see who "wins" each year cause our salaries are neck and neck! He's been moaning so much over the taxes, so think as a nice treat for him I'll just enter his info for him. Maybe small part of that too is that he ends up asking me a million questions, so easier to just do it myself anyways! I don't know how it always ends up taking 100 times longer than expected. I have a few forms here and think it should take me 15 minutes to key these numbers in....2 hours later I'm still working on it!



So my 30 days of 30 minutes of exercise has failed for sure now. There were just some days where it was too big of a pain for me to make the time for exercise. I'm bummed, but knowing me, I knew I probably wouldn't be able to do it! This week I had a hair appt on Wed night over in highland, so by the time I got home from that and had dinner it was 8:30. So, yes I could have exercised, but just seemed like better idea to relax and not get my heart pumped up before going to bed! Then Thurs we had bowling and I had a headache, so just vegged out for the free hour I had between work and bowling rather than exercising. So maybe I just need to set a different type of goal. Maybe my goal is xxx number of minutes of exercise during the week? That way I can do longer workouts on some days and doesn't matter then if it can't be every day. I'll have to think on that. I hate the gym, so the wii fit has been such a great alternative to mix up the workouts! I need to keep incorporating that though to keep me motivated!


Some wedding pics

Well, we finally got our wedding pics back from the photographer the week before Christmas, so I've been working on lots of photbooks and projects for gifts. I spent time this week getting the pics organized on Walgreens and am almost done and then will share the link with everyone so they can view and print any they want! In the meantime, thought I'd post some of my faves on here
This was in the elevator on the way to the ceremony:

I really enjoyed seeing the pics of the guys getting ready and the reception because it was stuff I had no clue he had photographed. This one made me bust out laughing when I saw it! Good times!


Bye Bye Conando

So I've always been a fan of Jay Leno-- Yes, I watch wheel of fortune and liked leno over letterman- I am an 80 year old living in a 30 year old body. However, I also like Conan and still watch him over Letterman. I thought Jay's new show would go over well in the 9:00 timeslot just because it would be so different from everything else airing at that time. Well, I can say that we NEVER put his show on at 9:00 and I maybe saw some clips of it if I went to bed before 10:00 and had the tv on. So I guess it shouldn't have came as a surprise when NBC announced they were pulling that show. But the real kicker has been that now NBC is offering him back the standard timeslot after the news and basically getting rid of Conan! I'm still in shock that everyone thinks this is a good move. And now I'm so annoyed with Jay that I most definitely will not watch his show and will force myself over to Letterman. Jay's done the show for 17 years....he left.....he turned it over to someone else, who happens to be funnier....you shouldn't just march back in and take it back. I feel like Jay should have told nbc, no thank you, the show is Conan's now. All in all, it's probably better for Conan-- he gets a $33 million payout and then can do a new show starting 9/1/10. The key is just getting a station to pick him up cause I guess abc already said no and fox hasn't said much. I just hope this all bites NBC and Jay in the butt down the road!


Golden Globes Fashion

Hmmmmm...so I get the feeling that like 90% of celebrity assistants need to be fired because they should not have let their celebrity wear these obnoxious dresses tonight! What were people thinking?!?!!? If I have time this week, I'll have to post the worst of the worst, but not even sure how I would pick. I had a hard time finding a handful of dresses/looks that really grabbed me, but this is what I determined were the best:
This dress was beautiful with all the ruffles and just grabbed my attention:
Nothing real special about this dress, but out of the ones I had to pick from, made it to my faves list!
I LOVE black and really liked this one, but personally think it would be better if the bottom was a tad less fluffy/full. This is Lea Michele from Glee- one of my fave new shows!

And I saved the best for last- this was really the only one I looked at and just felt like it was perfect and i'd love to wear it! The color is great and love the style.


Our last xmas

So this last weekend we finally had our last 2009 xmas celebration which was with dustin's dad's side of the fam. We had a lot of fun cause I swear now Keenan is at the cutest age...I seriously think they should invent something where you can just freeze a kid at the age of 3. Here's one pic of the rascal:
Let me try to recall some of this funnier moments, although you probably just had to be there for all of them. First, our adorable nephew was there who is 6 months, so Keenan always refers to him as "Baby Liam." Then he would ask funny questions like if baby liam can talk? At one point Keenan was reading a book to his stuffed animals and Liam was just gurgling like baby's do and Keenan says, "Katie, you put baby Liam in my bed. He's being too noisy." He really didn't seem to like Liam making any noise or touching any of his toys. I guess Mitch and Trisha have been telling Keenan that Dustin is his brother. So at one point he motions for Dustin and I to follow him to the other room and says "Come on Brothers." So funny when you forget that to a kid it makes perfect sense that I'm a brother too! Here's a cute pic I got of Liam:



So today it was announced that this will be Simon's last year on American Idol. I already am a little apprehensive if I'll like this season cause Ellen usually drives me nuts...and wasn't a fan of Kara last season. Now if they lose Simon, I just feel like the show is going to go downhill and just be too different from what has made it a success. Will be interesting to see what happens I guess!

Today was Day 8 of exercising....although I have a confession. I only had free time on Saturday in the morning and woke up not feeling well at all. So told myself I could take it easy on the wii fit, but just didn't even feel well enough to do that. So I did no workout. However, I did play with keenan and that at least got me moving around a bit more than usual....and then today I stayed at the gym 30 minutes later than planned and rode the bike to make up for missing Saturday......so I'm hoping that makes up for it somewhat!

Ok, dead tired, so time for bed


4 for 4 so far!

Just want to report I've accomplished the first 4 days of my exercise goal! I figure if I was going to fail doing this, I probably would wimp out one of the first few days...especially with this cold weather which makes me just want to curl up under a blanket on the couch. I did 2 days at the gym and 2 days of wii fit. Surprisingly I end up being way more sore and can feel the effects from the wii fit!

Also, I've never watched The Biggest Loser, but we had it on Tuesday night and I decided to start taping it. It actually got me fairly inspired thinking if these really overweight people can work out that much, then I should be able to also. It is remarkable how much weight they lose!


Will our future home top this????

So, if I ever lose or quit my job at AT&T, I will immediately go become a realtor and enjoy every minute of it! I am pretty obsessed over just looking at house ads...probably on average twice a week I spend a chunk of time seeing what is new. Depending on my mood, I may scour the site looking for the best home if I had unlimited money (and you wouldn't believe how many horrific million-plus dollar homes there are), I may just look at a certain area to see what's there, I may look at other lofts and what we could get buying now, etc. So my search this last week was to look as if we were going to buy a home now- i love fenton for some reason and i fell in LOVE with this house! Too bad we aren't looking to move anytime soon :(

From the front, I almost ruled it out cause looked so small! 2 car garage is still yuck and looks from the pics like the houses are super close together, so just gotta keep reminded myself of those negatives!

Then I saw pic of the back and thought it looked nice and roomy!
I love the color of the flooring, the fireplace is gorgeous, love the paint colors, and helps cause they don't have it cluttered up with ugly furnishings and crap:
I liked how the kitchen was somewhat tucked away behind the corner, but still very open to everything. And check out their table and chairs-- it's ours! So I could already feel like this was our home! Hee hee!
The basement seems to have nice space and a bar and basically another kitchen down there. Check out the bathroom-- has a urinal with a flat screen above it! Thought that was pretty original! Not gonna catch me cleaning that gross thing though.

The outside was pretty nice-- covered porch upstairs and then on the patio have this outdoor fireplace. Also had a bar and grill area under the covered area.

So now I got these pictures saved away in my head of a home I want...so will be interesting to see when we do buy how ours will compare back to this!


Happy Belated New Year!

Well, I don't know how many times I will say this, but I really need to get better about my blog! We'll see if that happens this year or not....I'm guessing I'll say the same thing next year! So we had a great xmas- my parents were in town and dustin so kindly put in all sorts of quality time with us! Dustin and I didn't exchange gifts this year, but just enjoyed playing our new wii game- New Super Mario Bros! It was so much fun and reminded me of my days as a 10-year old trying to beat the original.

For NYE we just went over to a friends' house and really had a fun time just hanging out and doing karaoke. I'm so jealous of everyone else's good voices cause singing is so much fun! Dustin and Crystal were having a sing-off dual with Maurit and Lydia and was pretty funny.
So last year Dustin did this thing in January where he went to the gym 30 days in a row...and he's doing it again this year. Only now he has convinced maurit of it...so will be interesting to see if he sticks with it too. So I know I can't convince myself to get to the gym daily for 30 days, so I'm doing a modified version where I just need to do some form of activity for 30 minutes minimum each day for 30 days. I think that is realistic for me and hopefully can accomplish that! Yesterday it was so cold out, so I just stayed in and did Wii Fit. I enhanced some of the exercises by adding 3 lb. hand weights and making up arm movements to do. Whatever I did worked cause my arms and calves are killer sore today! Today I went to the gym and walked on the treadmill. 2 down and 28 more to go!

We finally got our wedding pics back, so hopefully I'll be posting some of those and also blogging about some of the wedding stuff I was too busy to do earlier!