
35 Weeks & Shower

Waaaaaaay behind in posting, but will hopefully get caught up in the next few days.  I had delayed posting this cause had wanted to add more pictures, but my small camera is temporarily lost, so no more pics to add from the other events!  I should have posted this on 11/1 at 35 weeks.

How I'm feeling?  This week was just crazy busy, so I almost just didn't have time to feel lousy!  Overall I felt fairly good and think your body just can kick into gear when it needs to.  So here is how my busy 35th week went, which is way more exciting than me whining about pregnancy for this weekly post....

We spent Wednesday night packing up at the loft since moving day was fast approaching!  Thursday we were off work to do the final home inspection and then close on the house!!  Closing was a little stressful, but it all came through okay in the end.  That night Dustin had bowling league, so we were up at the alley watching the Cards win game 6 of the world series.  Only the game was the most stressful game ever cause was do or die for the Cards and the score kept going back and forth.  I finally caved and went home to watch the rest in bed cause it went to extra innings....only I fell asleep at a commercial break and the next batter was David Freese who hit a homer to win the game!  I woke up and the game was over, but I got to see the replay.  My mom also got into town this day and luckily was able to stay for the next 10 days to help out, which I seriously don't know how I would have got through all we did without her.  It was a really busy time for Dustin at work.  Friday my mom and sister both came over and we spent the day packing up the loft, then we headed over to our friends annual halloween party and to watch the Cards win game 7!  We then went out on the streets and to Busch Stadium to celebrate....it was the longest I'd been out in a while....I think was about 1am when we made it home.  Then Saturday was moving day and exhausting, even though I didn't do much.  Then Sunday was a family shower at the London Tea Room, which was a great time and actually was a nice end to a busy few days!  Monday I was off work and my mom and sister came over to help unpack some more and we started preparing the nursery.  Missy (sister) did a great job of assembling the crib!  Then it was time to answer the door for all the trick-or-treaters and meet some of our neighbors.  Then I crashed on the bed and put this hectic week behind me!
Dr. Appt. Date: 10/31/2011
Weight: 153 (up 22 lbs from start)
Dr. Appt Description:  I had a follow-up appt. with the other physician.  She said I was still at 1 cm, so that was good news and agreed everything looked great from the ultrasound.  So was a fast and good appointment!

Shower Pictures:
So many cute things and much needed clothing!

 Duck cupcakes for desert:

Name settings for the table made by my aunt all with different cute embellishments:

And my sister has rocked with putting together cute favors for both showers!  There were little packets of tea wrapped up in the felt that looked like a diaper. It was perfect since we had the shower at a tea room!