
38 weeks and 1 last shower!

I will now finally be caught up on my weekly posts!  This should have been posted on Tuesday, so just a few days late...

What's new?  Mainly the only thing going on is Dustin listening to me complain nonstop about feeling uncomfortable.  The rib pain is just horrible at times on my right side....then to top it off, my left ribs periodically feel awful due to self-diagnosed Texidor's Twinge which I've had for years.  I don't think our family room furniture is very comfortable and supportive, so I just can't sit/lay down and watch tv for long periods.  At least it has forced me to stay a little active around the house though!  I tried taking 2 of my pills and it still wasn't like any miracle drug...it maybe made the pain a little better, but that's it.

I've had 2 days of heartburn, which I've never had in my life before...so kinda caught me offguard that it creeped up right at the end of the pregnancy cause this is such a common symptom for people.  I'm really not sure what caused it but think it could have been 1 buffalo wing I ate, so think I'll just avoid stuff like that for the next few weeks.
We got the last piece for the dresser, so now that is done!  We then hung up the prints I had made above it- so not that little area actually looks complete.

This week we did more with the house-- I bought a ton more disposable shades and put in the windows downstairs and some upstairs.  We got some of our bedroom furniture delivered....so FINALLY sleeping in a bed vs. just a mattress on the floor!  Dustin installed a garage keypad and hooked up the waterline to the refridgerator.  We bought a xmas wreath for the front door, which will probably be our only holiday contribution to the outside of the house this year.  And I baked a ton of monster cookies I made from scratch...froze a chunk of them to have later too.

Dustin's work group was also super generous and threw him a shower-- he was so surprised and caught off-guard!  We got a really nice-sized gift card to Target, so that will be awesome to spend down the road when we need baby stuff.

Dr. Appt
Date: 11/21 (had to switch to a Monday)
Weight: 157 lbs (YIKES)
BP: 110/62
Baby's Heartbeat: 140
Internal Exam: 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced
Notes:  Today's exam was routine and quick- Dustin was luckily able to join me.  She again was pleased with the progress I'm making and said I will appreciate this later because my body has already done some of the prep work to dilate now.  She also explained that I could just stall and stay at 2cm for weeks, but they will definitely set an appt. to induce at 41 weeks if I haven't gone into labor by then....but chances are extremely good that she expects me to go into labor naturally before that.  Which is good cause 3 more weeks seems like too much longer to deal with this baby inside me!!! 