
30 weeks

How I'm feeling?  Really each day is different.  I've been taking tylonel pm a lot so the sleeping has got much better, which is a huge relief.  I can think and function much better at work!  I still will just have some stomach pains or bouts of feeling uncomfortable and not good.  The only way I can describe it is that it just feels like there is not enough room inside me and everything is all scrunched up together.  Bending over and moving around is just getting harder-- we have a standup shower with no bench or ledge, so every time I shave my legs I keep thinking this is going to be the last time, but I keep managing!  My anxiety and emotions have just skyrocketed out of control, so I actually talked to the doctor today and am going to try some medication to get it under wraps.  The house situation has been very stressful this last month because we had found a house that we liked and planned to put an offer down on-- however, I was all set to pay close to what they were asking and at least start the negotiating to see where they stood.  The husband and realtor thought it was better to just wait a while and then put in the offer...which made me nervous that we would lose our chance to even make the offer if someone else beat us to it.  Well, ONE night before we had plans to meet with the realtor and draft the offer, they accepted one from somebody else.  So I was extremely upset that we never even really tried to get the house and was somewhat angry with the husband for screwing this up in my opinion.  We were pretty sure that it was going to happen, so had spent time looking at flooring, checking into the daycare nearby, looking at 2nd cars we would buy, etc.  Just not a pleasant situation to deal with, especially being almost 7 months pregnant counting on moving before the baby gets here!  So now we are still looking for houses, but also figuring out what our plan B will be because there is good chance we will not be moved by the time he arrives. 

Clothing:  Full time into maternity pants now cause they are so much more comfortable...or just large loungey pants when I'm at home or not somewhere important.  I still wear all my regular shirts- just have the 2 maternity shirts (one of which you'll see in the picture below!).

Name:  Well I think we have settled on a name, but I'm just holding out a bit longer to make sure.  Dustin is itching to tell people, so I guess we will-- I just need to be 100% convinced of the name first to make sure I don't waiver on it if anyone has negative opinions.  I told Dustin he could have control over the middle name of this kid (but I have some veto power or final say if it's ridiculous) and I'm doing middle name of our next child.  Of course Dustin is just coming up with stuff I hate, so this is not good....although it's not like the middle name really matters.  Again, he's all into inventing names-- like it would be this great idea to come up with a blend of our names to make his middle name.  Um, can't we just pick something simple like Michael that isn't going to be all confusing and weird?!  We'll see what he comes up with, but told him to keep thinking on this.

  • Baby is very active- usually I notice it most at night.  It is weird when I look at my stomach and I see the entire thing flinch when he moves.
  • We had more baby classes.  Last week we had really got into the actual birthing process and I seriously was about to toss my cookies and couldn't even look at the screen at times and had to think about other things.  I think actually it will be easier for me to go through it than if Dustin was the one going through this and I had to watch him. 
  • My belly is getting so stretched that my bellybutton is getting very shallow....and it looks freakishly tiny compared to this huge stomach.  I just look at it in the mirror and don't even recognize it anymore, so is just weird.
  • I've started working on a custom baby memory book that I want to put together.  The ones in the store just don't seem all that great.  I've seen some good ones on etsy, but are so expensive that I figured I could just make my own.  We'll see though if this really gets done on top of everything else!
  • I've also started on making a mobile for above the crib, so assuming it turns out I will do a post on how I made that and what it looks like!
  • I think during these last 2 weeks is really the first time people have looked at me and really could tell I was pregnant vs just a little chubby.  It's all been people I know, but have commented how I'm finally really showing or actually look pregnant.  I still don't think I've had any stranger that has said something to me...but I also haven't been out a bunch or in situations where people would really do that.  There are still days in some outfits where people do a double-take when I mention that I'm due in December saying that they can't even tell...so that is always funny to me.  I got 10 weeks left and 10 lbs to gain, so should end right on track!
Dr. Appt. Date: 9/27/2011
Weight: 146 (up 15 lbs from start)
Blood Pressure: 90/62 (little lower)
Baby's Heartbeat: 148
Fundal Height: 28 cm (moved up to the normal range!)
Belly Circumference:  36 inches
Dr. Appt Description: This appt was very fast and routine.  We had the ultrasound last week, so she just briefly went over those results saying everything looks really good.  The baby was at 56th percentile, so just above average size.  She says there is plenty of amniotic fluid, so that is a good thing.  The baby is breeched now- he is basically sitting in a V-shape with his head on my upper right side, then his butt is at the low point, then feet on my upper left side.  They could see his hands playing with his feet in the ultrasound, but I am really bad with making out any images or what is going on still.  She said at this point being breeched means nothing and most babies will move around more in the next several weeks.
