
28 Weeks

EEK!  It is hard to believe I'm now in the 3rd trimester and this is really nearing the end!  I'm a couple days late getting this posted.

How I'm feeling?
To be completely honest these last few weeks have been much harder for me for all sorts of reasons.  I'm going to sound like such a complainer here, but I want to somewhat accurately capture this, so I can look back and remember!  First, I've just had several days of stomach aches and just feeling sorta sick.  Next, I've had several nights of insomnia-- I usually can fall asleep pretty easily at night or at least within an hour.  However, many times I wake up anywhere from like 2-4am and am wide awake, brain is churning, and there is no going back to sleep.  A couple nights ago I got a total of 2 hours of sleep that night...and then end up just being exhausted at work the next day.  I asked the doctor about this and luckily she said it's fine to take Tylenol PM, so if I have a few nights of bad sleep, then take this to guarantee a night of better sleep.  I'm hoping this weekend I can catch up on some hours.  I've also started having contractions, but these aren't really that uncomfortable/painful, but just something else to deal with when I can feel my stomach clench up and get hard.  Another symptom that has started is my heart feels like it is racing at times- which first freaked me out, but read on the internet it was normal and doctor confirmed this as well.  Along those lines I also feel like I have heightened anxiety-- I am starting to just freak out with how much we have left to do these next few months, although they aren't all things that MUST get done, but just things I would like done.  So I need to keep reminding myself that everything is going to be fine even if we don't get it all done. I don't feel like my husband has the same desire to get these items done or has the same sense of urgency, so then just adds more frustration to me and more anxiety.  More than anything I would just like for us to find a house- we've been looking since January basically and I'm just burnt out and ready to be done and pick something.  Once we pick a house, then need to find pediatrician nearby, need to get on daycare list, we need to buy another car, we need to get some additional furniture including the nursery, need to pack up our place, need to deal with renting out our current place, etc.  I'm sure it will all get done and work out, but just seems overwhelming dealing with all that on top of everything and just feel the burden is on me to get a lot of that done.

I acutally just ran to Target Labor Day weekend and just picked up a few things there- jeans, work pants, lounge, pants, work tops, and some casual tops.  I've been going back and forth with wearing these clothes and my usual stuff.  Even though I can still wear my normal pants with the belly band, I think the belly band is probably getting too tight for me and may be contributing to my stomach aches and not feeling well.  I think the maternity clothes definitely make me look more pregnant so I like the fit of those better than some of my clothes, which I just feel make me look chubby.

What's new? 
We have started taking childbirth classes at the hospital- it is 4 weeks long on Wednesday nights.  I was hoping we might meet some other couples in the class, but not really anyone there that we would be friends with after this is over...so kind of a bummer.  I'm a little undecided on the class- a lot of it is pretty general stuff that you'll get from reading books, but there have been a few helpful tips and is a good opportunity to get some questions answered specific to our hospital.  I thought a funny thing happened this week in class.  For the last 5-10 minutes, she turns down the lights and plays soft music and we (the woman) is supposed to lay down comfy on the floor with pillows and blankets while she talks us through practice contractions.  Then the partner (in my case, my husband Dustin) is supposed to massage you or calm you.  So for the beginning part I'm really annoyed with Dustin cause he has this awful habit of always shaking/jittering his legs....and he just won't stop....so how was I supposed to relax laying there as he was all jittery?!  Then I almost get a case of the giggles cause I'm thinking about how UN-relaxed I am compared to everyone else in the room.  Finally then Dustin stops moving and is just still- thank goodness!  Well come to find out, he FELL ASLEEP!  So I'm glad in the end he was nice and relaxed while I laid there anything but that!

I got pre-registered at the hospital, so we can quickly check in once I go into labor.  Also got the form filled out and submitted for the epidural....definitely don't want to waste time at the moment having to do all that stuff!

Dr. Appt. Date: 9/13/2011
Weight: 145 (up 14 lbs from start)
Blood Pressure: 102/62 (holding steady here!)
Baby's Heartbeat: 148
Fundal Height: 25 cm
Belly Circumference: 35 inches
Dr. Appt Description:  This week I had my glucose test, which consisted of drinking some "potion" that tasted like a mix of fruit punch and medicine- had to drink 10 oz in less than 6 minutes, but not gulp it.  Then an hour later they took blood samples.  The results came back good and no diabetes!!  They did find in my blood sample though that my iron count went done and am anemic, so need to take an iron supplement now.  The rest of the appointment was very standard, but my fundal height measurement was a little on the low side.  So average would be 28cm and 26-30 cm. is the acceptable normal range.  So my doctor doesn't think there is an issue, but just to be sure we are doing an ultrasound next week to check the baby's size and fluids.  (And I'll have the tech double-check this really is a boy...doesn't hurt to get a second opinion on that too!)

We were slackers and didn't get a picture taken until 29 weeks, so this is a week later...and you'll have to excuse how I look, but figured was better than nothing!