
Kitchen Tips

I'm no longer sick, so really don't have an excuse for not posting...just been lazy or busy! Once I get some pics downloaded, I have several posts that will be coming your way!

Until then, here are just a few kitchen/cooking tips to share:

1. To easily remove garlic from the skin, pop a clove in the microwave for 5-10 seconds. The skin will EASILY fall right off and then is ready to use!

2. When I have recipes that call for fresh lemon juice, don't just squeeze the lemon and throw it out. Cut the peel into several chunks and stick in the freezer. You can later take a piece out to run through the garbage disposal and it makes your kitchen smell fresh-n-clean!

3. Can't get a jar open? Grab a rubber band and put around the lid and it will surprisingly usually open up easily!

4. I re-use those plastic food containers, but if it starts to smell, fill it with newspaper to deodorize it. After a couple days, wash and will be ready to use again!