
Lachlan - 11 months

Wow- exciting, but kind of sad that this will be the last "monthly" post and he will be 1 YEAR OLD next time! Argh!  My BIG BOY...

As usual, this post is late, but this time we were on vacation in Iceland (post coming later about that) during his 11th month birthday.  We were away from him for an entire week while he spent time with some of the grandparents.  I knew it would be good for him to have a change of routine and be around different people and it really showed cause he learned so much in that week we were away! 

He attended church for the first time this last month and I thought there was zero chance of him being well-behaved and he was an.....ANGEL!  He has a little girlfriend at daycare named Mya- the teachers really have a good time with it joking around calling them husband and wife.

He had his first Halloween, which you can see in the previous post.  We also did a corn maze that was about a mile from our house.  The maze was ENORMOUS and we definitely got so lost in there that after an hour we had to cheat and cut through corn stalk walls just to get out of the thing!  It was fun cause they had Cornundrums (aka pictures that were a play on words) located throughout the maze to find.  So you'll see us here at this one....do you get it??

He has 5 teeth as of 11 months- 2 on the bottom and 3 on the top.  He is wearing primarily all 18 month clothing.

Fine/Gross Motor Skills
Here are some of the new things he does:
  • Will put his hands in front of his eyes and play peekaboo.  It's really cute cause he always does it with his palms facing out (so kinda backwards)
  • He will put his arms up when you ask how big is Lachlan.
  • He will move his hands/arms for "swish swish swish" when singing wheels on the bus
  • He still claps a lot (mostly randomly)
  • He is very interested in turning pages of the books.  Most of the time he is turning them backwards, so not sure if he is wanting me to reread those pages or he was trying to go the other way.
He started cruising 10.5 months!  He first did this while holding on to our sectional sofa to chase after a piece of paper that I kept moving around.  He is pretty tentative and will just do a few steps- he had already taken a few steps by the time I got my phone camera rolling.

Verbal/Communication Skills
I think he had his first instance of being so tired that he was just slaphappy.  He was in the bathtub and wanting to chew on the side of the tub and I told him that was "Icky icky icky."  He died laughing so hard that he fell over backwards and just could not stop.  Another time he thought was hilarious was when I sneezed.  Definitely finds certain things really funny.

He babbles a lot.  When he starts to get really upset he sounds like he has a stutter.  He'll just go something like "di-di-di-di-di"

I'm learning a few ways that he is communicating with us. I believe when he wants more food cause his high chair tray is empty he bangs on it to get my attention and more food. When a book ends he will stiffen up with his legs shooting straight out and slightly off the ground and he'll put his arms out- I think this means he wants the book again. He will put both arms in the air when he wants to be picked up.

Shortly before turning 11 months, we started transitioning more of his bottles to sippy cups and he seemed to do great with that.  Our new plan was 6oz bottles first thing in the morning and before bed.  He would get 6oz in sippy at lunch and dinner...or do 4oz at meals and 4oz with afternoon snack.  We also keep trying to introduce more foods to him of what we are eating, but this is easier said than done since most of our dinners lately are not too healthy, so I have to make him something separate.  He really enjoys feeding himself, so its hard to do a meal that is all purees.  We also give him his own spoon (empty) to "use" during meals.

His sleep is good- pretty much sleeps 10 hours or a little more each night.  His naps are awesome at home-- usually 1.5-2.5 hours in morning and 1.5-2 hours in afternoon.  At daycare, he naps HORRIBLE.  There are too many days where we get there and he only has ONE nap or has been up since noon.  Then he falls asleep in the car and is super cranky the rest of the evening.

Favorite Things
Favorite things to do are reading books, pulling the books off the shelves, following mom around, crawling around to play "chase", crawling around corners to play peekaboo, crawling across the sectional, Fisher Price Laugh n Learn kitchen, finding CORDS to try and chew on, also loves remotes, phones, laptops, etc.  And lastly, is borderline OBSESSED over feeling hair.  When I give him bottles, he will not go more than 30 seconds without feeling either his own hair or mine.

Typical Day at 11 months:
  • 6:30- Wake up and 6oz bottle in bed with us or will take at daycare if he is up later or we're short on time
  • 8:30- Breakfast (Prune Juice plus food: 1/2 waffle, pancake, french toast stick, oatmeal, etc)
  • 9:00- Nap
  • 11:30- Lunch and 6oz sippy cup (Normally eats mostly the school food, but depends what they have)
  • 1-1:30- Try to do afternoon nap
  • 3:00- Snack and formula/juice/water
  • 6:00- Dinner and 6oz sippy cup (Normally he is not super hungry here.  I will give him something like a turkey meatball and a fruit or veggie.)
  • 7:15- Bath every other night
  • 7:30- 6oz. bottle (lately do more and more of these out on the sectional vs. his room)
Since I already posted for our pumpkin carving and Halloween, I don't really have many other good pictures from this month to share! 
Rockin the tuxedo onesie I found at Wal-Mart

Happy boy for his school pictures!

Loves loves loves books
Loves looking out windows
Loves to play with our paper blinds