
Lachlan - 2 months

Last week Lachlan celebrated turning 2 months old (Feb. 13th)!  I feel like he has grown so much in the last month and has definitely started to develop a little personality and can play with him some now.

He still continues to fight off all the ghosts we apparently have in the house:

We got our first real smile from him while playing peek-a-boo just shy of 6 weeks.  This continues to be his favorite game at the moment and the best way to get smiles from him.

He went to the doctor at 6 weeks and received several shots-- cried a lot:(  He was around the 80th percentile for both length and weight.  His length was 23.25 inches and weight was 12 lbs 5 oz.  (By the way, when can we start calling it height rather than length??)

Dustin and I went out just ourselves for dinner for the first time since Lachlan was born.  I must say a part of me really misses the freedom we used to have and going out to dinner on the weekends.  So hopefully we'll continue to make time for this occasionally from now on.  It was a bit of work with getting everything packed up for Lachlan to take him to my in-laws and then we had a long wait at the restaurant, so it was a bit uncomfortable going for so long without being able to pump...breastfeeding just makes doing anything for a long period of time difficult!

At 8 weeks I tried putting Lachlan in his crib for a nap to see what would happen- he lasted 20 minutes and woke up very unhappy.  I tried doing this for a few days, but he never lasted more than 15-20 minutes, so I've given up trying for the time being-- it's more important to me that he gets good naps in, so be it if it's in his swing or bouncy seat.  I was trying to get him used to the crib for naps so transitioning to the crib at night will be easier since he still sleeps in our room.

And now for the most important milestone from this month.....drum roll please.....at 8 weeks Lachlan slept 8 hours and 45 minutes STRAIGHT... UNINTERRUPTED...  NONSTOP!!!!  After this point, he pretty much sleeps right around 7 hours for his first stretch, so pretty good!

He still loves being in the bathroom…whether it's just relaxing while we shower and get ready or he is in the tub!  Have started doing baths every night because he likes them so much and is better than listening to him fuss since the evenings are his crabby period. On 2/1 it was cute cause he had been in the tub for 30 minutes just completely relaxed and then just started falling asleep in the tub and could NOT keep his eyes open. 

We also use the vacuum cleaner A LOT to calm him down.  This has been a lifesaver when he cries uncontrollably.

We had our first "Parents as Teachers" visit.  This is a great program and recommend anyone with young kids to look into it with your school district.  Our district puts a lot of money towards it.  Basically once a month someone comes to our home and will assess where Lachlan is at developmentally and then let us know what we can work on with him.  They also have workshops and group meetings on different topics you can attend.  I think he passed everything and did well his first visit!  We've been doing tummy time and he doesn't seem to hate it, but mainly just lays there and sucks on his hands or blanket...so not much strength training going on there!
The weather was really nice for a few days so we went to a nearby park for a walk/stroller ride and took many strolls around the neighborhood.  For the most part he was good, but cried when the sun was in his eyes.

Just shy of turning 2 months, Lachlan got tears when he cried...which now makes it seem so much sadder when he cries.  And on his 2 month birthday, Dustin had to start travelling for work and was in California for the week.  I'm sure it killed him to be away...and luckily for me my mom came to help out, otherwise I think I would have been overwhelmed that week!
Here is a typical day at 2 months:
  • EVERY night around 7:30 we give him a bath—we let him splash around in there for about 30 minutes.   
  • Around 8:00 swaddle and give a bottle.
  • Still sleeps in our room with the sound machine on waterfall. 
  • I pump around 1am.
  • Awake around 3-4am- change diaper and I give a bottle and pump again.  Usually he goes back to sleep pretty easily, but lately he sometimes doesn't want to.  In those cases I just stick him in the swing in the family room and he eventually goes back to sleep in there.
  • Awake around 6am- change diaper and give you a bottle.  Pump again.  I usually put him in the swing (if he hasn't just been in there) so I can relax a bit longer.  Some days you’ll stay in the swing for a couple hours and fall back asleep.
  • Around 9, I shower and get ready while he chills in the bathroom.
  • Then the day is just filled with random feedings and sleeping here and there.  He takes a 4 oz. bottle almost every 2 hours— longer if he is sleeping.  There is NO napping schedule—some days it is all little catnaps while other days he’ll get some decent stretches.  Mostly naps in the swing or now really like to sleep in new vibrating bouncy chair.
  • Dustin gets home around 6-6:30 usually, just in time for the cranky period…which is getting a little better or at least is shorter now that we started the bath earlier!
Some pics from last month: