
Lachlan - 1 Month

Lachlan turned 1 month on Jan 13, so just imagine this post was up a couple weeks ago :))  Here is a quick recap of his first month and some pictures:

We came home on the Saturday after he was born- as much as I actually really liked being in the hospital because we were so catered to, I was ready to come home.  On Sunday we had Jill from In the Moment Photography come over to take newborn pics.  Unfortunately Lachlan was cranky, but she was great with being patient and getting some awesome shots!  A few are shown below here:

Dustin was off work until after the holidays, so it was a huge help to have him available 24/7.  My heart goes out to new mom's who don't have someone around to help them because it is just exhausting!  We had many xmas celebrations where Lachlan got some really cute gifts.  I was able to get out a xmas card/birth announcement just in time.  I used a photo from our newborn photoshoot and then bought a pdf on Etsy to use.  Dustin then just took it to Office Depot to print and cut down to size.

Lachlan had his first doctor's appointment and everything looked good.  He had slightly surpassed his birth weight, so we no longer have to wake him at the 4-hour mark at night to feed him.

After New Years, Dustin was back to work, but my mom was here for a week to help out.  Then it was all on my own...which I actually enjoyed and wasn't too bad at all since he was almost a month old at this point!

Here is pic on 1-month birthday:

Here is a typical 24-Hour period for us at 1 month: 
·         Every other night Dustin gives Lachlan a bath
·         Around 9-9:30 swaddle in the miracle blanket and give a 3 oz. bottle to fill up that tummy
·        Lachlan sleeps in our bedroom in the Fisher-Price Rock and Play.  We play the sound of a waterfall on the sound machine, which basically just sounds like loud static.  I really think the success of his sleeping is due to the Swaddling, Sound machine, and Rock and Play.
·         I have to awake and pump around 1am.
·         Around 3am Lachlan wakes up- change diaper and give a bottle.  I pump again.  Usually Lachlan goes back to sleep pretty easily.
·         Around 5:30-6am- change diaper and give a bottle.  I pump again.
·         Normally will wake again between 7-8.  Some times I lay him in bed with me on boppy lounger for a while longer.  Sometimes I will nurse him so I can stay in bed longer.
·         Around 9, we get out of bed and I take a shower while Lachlan is on boppy lounger in the bathroom.  He LOVES just laying in there and listening to the shower!
·         Then the day is just filled with random feedings and sleeping here and there. 
·         The only toy he really uses is the swing and some days will nap in here for hours or just be content swinging away.  He really likes to be held and will sleep that way.  When there is any free time, I am pumping, washing bottles/pump accessories, doing laundry or some chore.
·         Dustin gets home around 6:30 usually, just in time for the cranky period!  We rarely can both eat dinner at the same time in peace and quiet.