
I ran a 5k (almost)!

So I mentioned before how inspired I get by The Biggest Loser....we got to the gym today and it tracks how many visits you have had in the last 30 days and I had 4 more than dustin (which NEVER happens!) I had 18 visits total, so pretty good considering there are some days we are busy and I just have no choice but not to go. Anyways, today I wanted to switch up the workout some, so I got there and spur of the moment decided I was going to run as much as I could and see how fast I could do a 5k (3.1 miles). I honestly was expecting to do a lot of walking, but I'm guessing I probably ran about 75-80% of it. I finished in 38:30 which is just under a 12:30 minute mile pace...so pretty decent for someone who is HORRIBLE at running and never attempted something like this! When I finished I felt like I may black out and my ears were really clogged and I kept getting the chills....but I survived! It's 50 minutes later and Dustin is still amazed cause my face is on fire and still flushed. So my goal is to keep working this into my routine and reduce this time. Also, shout out to grandma today for her 81st b-day!!!!