Well, now that he is a week away from 10 months, I had to force myself to get something out there for 9 months! Luckily I had jotted down some notes a few weeks ago so I wouldn't forget! I was pretty bad with taking pictures this month, so that sucks!

- 9 month stats: 24 lbs; 29.75 inches; Don't have his head measurement handy- but was 100%-tile and his other stats were all above the 90%-tile
- His 2 top front teeth have started coming in. They look HUGE so am worried they are going to be out of proportion! He has been a little fussy and I think these teeth are hurting him.
- He has started crawling—and occasionally he’ll crawl for something all the way across the room. He isn’t always on the go, exploring, but will move when need be.
- He will hold on to things and pull himself onto his knees.
- I’ll stand him up holding on to the ottoman and I can let go for about 2 seconds while he stays there…then his legs buckle and he goes tumbling down.
- Has just started eating small bites of “real” food- moving off of purees! He has tried things like Whole Grain blueberry waffles, pancakes, diced fruit, cheerios, puffs, yogurt melts, yogurt.
- Will clap his hands! Although I don’t know he knows to do this when to cheer for something. He will just randomly do it and does not do it imitating us.
- He LOVES when I sing the songs and do the hand games/clapping. He will now get so exciting that he holds his hands up to play along with me so my hands can hit his. (We do lots of Miss Mary Mack and I Met My Boyfriend at the Candy Store!)
- I get so tired of reading the same books over and over. I got out a bunch more books this month to see if he would like any others we could add to the mix and we found ONE winner- Babies.
- Has been fun to take him shopping to stores cause he loves riding in the carts.
- LOVES feeling hair- besides playing with his own hair, he has discovered mom’s long hair. He’s pretty much obsessed with touching it any time he is within reach. Only a few times has he got a strong hold and ripped some out.
- His current teachers at school are Ms Sheila and Ms Dawn- we love them both!
Typical Day:
- Wake around 6am. Have a 6oz bottle-- lays in bed with us if on the weekend otherwise lays on Boppy Lounger in bathroom as we get ready for work.
- 8am- Oatmeal for breakfast
- Morning Nap- length varies drastically! If at home, he sleeps around 1.5 hours- give or take 30 minutes. At daycare, it is all over the place- but usually around 30-60 minutes only.
- 10:30- 6oz bottle
- Noon- Fruit or Veggie puree. He is very interested in the other kids lunches, so they are starting to let him try bites of soft items.
- Afternoon Nap- If at home, he sleeps around 2 hours. At daycare it is all over the place again!
- 3:00- 6 oz bottle
- 5:00- 3-4 oz bottle
- 6:00- Fruit or Veggie puree. We noticed lately though he is not interested in eating, so are thinking he is just not that hungry because daycare gives him a bottle at the end of the day. At home, we usually don't give him one.
- 7:15- Bath time! He still LOVES his bath so we try to do it every night. This is Dustin's job when he is around.
- 7:45- 6 oz bottle - This is my job and is my favorite time of day! Since Lachlan has never really liked to be held or a cuddler, this is my 15 minutes where I get to hold him!
- 8:00-8:15- asleep! We have continued to be so lucky that this kid NEVER cries when he goes to sleep. Some nights he may move about the crib for 30 minutes before going to sleep.
Some pics:

Always wants to grab the spoon to feed himself! |
Cheerios, Cheerios, Cheerios! |
LOVES to find wires/cables |
This boy is awesome and doesn't even cry when we wakes up- just sits and waits for us to get him! |