And here was Dad being silly by giving him bunny ears with his socks, but it made me laugh pretty hard:
So here is what has been going on this last month:
- We let him try almost any mushy food that we are eating. So far he seems to eat anything and everything! He got his first taste of french fries...he especially loved some truffled parmesan fries I gave him- this boy has got good taste! Off the top of my head, some of the stuff he eats- refried beans, pierogies, waffles, green smoothies, cheerios, goldfish, rusks, cooked peas and carrots, diced peaches
- Noticed at the start of October he is getting his 5th tooth in-- it is on his top right.
- On his 10-month birthday, we witnessed him pull himself up to standing several times in his crib that morning!
- He is becoming much more fun to play games with. We'll crawl around and chase him and then "catch" him and tickle him.
- He "jabbers" quite a bit. For the last week he has been repeating "uh oh" after we say it. He most commonly just says daa daa daa daa.
- The weather was awesome, so we explored some nearby parks and found they were great for pushing the stroller. Route 66 state park is also neat cause we usually spot around 10 deer on the walk. I can't wait until he gets a little older and can help us spot them!
- It's getting chilly at night, so I've gone against the rules and let him sleep with a baby afghan at night. I figure it has holes in it and I can't imagine can easily suffocate him. Usually he rolls away from it during the night anyway.
- He has started crawling over to wherever I'm standing and he will just hedgehog (my term for when he basically just continuously head-butts something) at my leg wanting me to pick him up (I'm guessing). He'll also try to crawl up on my lap when I'm sitting on the floor- however, once he is up there then I have no clue what he wants cause then whines!
- He seems to enjoy also headbutting his crib. He has done it so much that he actually knocked the screw loose and it completely came out!
- He LOVES my hair. As he takes his night bottle, he just has to play with my hair. He'll reach both arms up to my face until I bend down so he can reach it. He's actually been really gentle, so I've let him do this. Also loves just feeling faces.
- He got some bad patches of eczema flare up, so we've stopped using the Johnson's products (which I just LOVE how they smell) and switched to Baby Aveeno. We also got a presciption cream and it has cleared it all right up.
- For the first time ever he started wetting through his diapers overnight. So we've purchased dipes one size bigger to use for night and that has seemed to help the problem. I also have bought some hemp liners and tried those in the cloth dipes and that seems to work too.
- Loves: Hair, Baby Einstein Videos, Laugh and Learn Chair, some books, stroller rides, bath time, wires/cables, flashlights we keep in outlets, removing the door stops, stuffed animals that talk/sing
- There are still mainly girls in his daycare room. They say that Mya is his girlfriend and they catch them making out quite a bit. She is a cutie and fellow chunk, so at least he has good taste!
- He never really took to the pacifier (or so we thought), but he repeatedly is stealing other kids out of there mouth and putting it into his. I've been lucky enough to witness it a few times now and is pretty funny.
- One of my next goals is to get him to wave bye bye. Mya (girl from daycare) waved bye to her mom this week and it was so cute. I go to wave bye to Lachlan and he is seriously just staring at me with a blank look and spitup running out of his mouth. I told Dustin I'm worried we have the slow kid...I don't think he even has any concept of bye when we leave, let alone to put his hand up and wave!
- I also want to work on him recognizing some words and being consistent with using baby sign language. I try to use just 1 or 2 words at a time when talking to him so he picks up the key words.
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We got ONE family picture taken...thanks lachlan for ruining this one by being the nose picker! |
So Lachlan has LOVED eating squash and zucchini, so Dustin always says that he loves gourds. We get to the pumpkin patch and he tells Lachlan- Oh my gosh, it is gourd heaven!!!!!
He got to cheer on the Cards in the far, so good!
And he got a visit from Grandma and Grandpa