What are our latest baby items we are loving and not loving so much?!
Playtex bottles-- these have been the main bottles we've used from the start and I LOVE them. The downside is that they are pricey because you have to buy disposable liners, but the upside is that you just throw it away and the only thing you have to wash/clean is the nipple! It has been such a timesaver and is really nice for days on the go. Recently both of our grocery stores (Schnucks and Shop n Save) are discontinuing their store generic brand, so they are only $5 for 100 liners. I may or may not have stocked up on 10 boxes ;) We only have about 6 weeks or so of bottles left, but figure we'll be set for our next kid (who better take bottles)!
Pampers Cruisers- The Pampers Swaddlers had worked SO well for our disposable diaper choice, so I was nervous about finding another line that I really liked once he outgrew the Swaddlers. The Cruisers have worked great-- we just had some night leaks a few weeks ago, but I went up a size for overnight and no leaks!
Fisher-Price Laugh & Learn Chair and Kitchen- Unfortunately they have quit making this chair (it was recalled cause kids could get wedged between the table and chair), but if you can score this at any consignment shop or Craigslist, it is AWESOME. This is hands down his favorite toy. Since he likes it so much, I bought the Kitchen which is from the same line of toys. It is really cute and he does like it and spends a lot of time with it. It will be perfect for him to use for quite a bit into the future too!

Neptune's Ocean Baby Einstein video- We have a baby who NEVER really sits still or likes to be held or rocked. He is OBSESSED over this video. He knows when it is coming on the tv as soon as he sees the FBI warning and is just smiling ear to ear. He will watch the entire 30 minutes. This is a lifesaver some days! Here is a link to it on Amazon:
Click Here
Baby afghans/blankets-- We received a handful of these that such generous people made as baby gifts. Each and every one has came in handy for us- it is nice to have one at daycare, one in the crib at home, and another for the car/stroller, one in the diaper bag, etc. He loves poking his little fingers through the holes too!
Pedialax- This stuff has been a lifesaver and is difficult to find. Our baby frequently gets constipated despite our best efforts to give him prunes and a mixed diet. We feel so bad when we can see he is in pain and trying to poo. We don't use these oftens, but in emergencies you squeeze the liquid up "there" and it makes him poo within 5 minutes. He will then continue to fill about 5 diapers after that. We have tried other things, but nothing works like this exact one. Here is link to buy on amazon:
Click Here
Alphabet foam mat- Since all of our main areas are carpeted I really didn't think we had a need for one of these. However, I bought one for while we were on vacation and now am so glad we have it. We put a little area of this in the kitchen so he can sit and play while I'm cooking dinner. Besides using it to sit on, he has LOVED pulling the letters out of the square, pulling the border pieces off, he chews on the pieces, etc. I liked this one that the colors somewhat blend in with our house decor too. We purchased this on Amazon:
Click here
Jeep Stroller- We've been using for several months and I LOVE this. It is a slight pain to bring in the car cause is so heavy, but I only have to deal with that from time to time when we go to a park. It was very affordable and has held up awesome so far.
Not Lovin- I hate being a Negative Nancy, but these were products I was excited for, but they were just a let-down.
- Dr. Brown's bottles- There is so much hype over these bottles and reducing gas in babies, so I felt I had to try them. I really didn't notice any sort of reduction in gas and they were a complete pain to clean. There are several parts and just prime for letting funk build up in the nooks and crannies. I can also see where my actual bottle is becoming yellow and stained looking, which makes me think it is not completely clean too.
- Nail File- See HERE for details. I was so pumped to use this so I wouldn't have to actually clip his nails and risk getting his skin instead. It just plain old does not work! I have tried several settings and I just don't feel like his nails get trimmed at all. I haven't tried for several months, so guess I can try again and see if it works any better with him a little older, but I'm doubtful. I think I am most bummed about this product cause is such a good idea, but just needs to work!
- Carseat mirror- See HERE for details on this one. I just picked this up at Wal-mart and didn't research mirrors at all and figured this would work. I hate it cause it only works like 5% of the time. Depending on where the sun is at, I get a bad glare or is not bright enough so I can't see. The other issue is that we have the carseat in the middle seat of our minivan and have tried to attach this to the headrest, but it doesn't stay....it just falls down and I get a nice view of his feet only.