
26 Weeks

This post is a day behind, but I took my picture and stats as of yesterday so they'd be accurate!  I'm down to the double-digits in my countdown of only 97 days left.  One interesting thing we read in my weekly pregnancy book is that the baby now weighs 2 lbs and has developed sleep cycles.  I was curious if/when they sleep, but am thinking this explains why maybe I don't feel any movement for a while and then will feel constant movement for a while.

How I'm feeling?  Well, overall it had been good until these last few days.  On exactly my 26-week mark I started feeling really ill after lunch with flu-like symptoms.  I was in the bathroom for 45 minutes after lunch and only at my desk for like 2 minutes, so decided I had to go home.  I hate the feeling of being sick and not being at home-- it feels overwhelming to think how I was even going to get home cause didn't want to leave the bathroom.  I don't know how it came on so fast, but my heart just started racing and I started feeling very over-heated. I thought for sure I was going to throw up and just sat in the bathroom cause was sure it was coming. Well, on the good side I never threw up, but on the bad side I had horrible diarrhea. My husband is awesome and was so busy at work, but I called him from the bathroom and he said he'd walk back home to get the car to get me...perfect!  Only I get a call 10 minutes later that he is home and can't find the keys and thinks they are in my purse....ugh.  I honestly don't know how I did it, but managed then to walk the whole way home, which is about .25 mile and the hubs walked with me.   Once home and spending a little more time in the bathroom, I laid down and fell asleep until Dustin came home from work...and I felt much better.  So hopefully it was just some bug or something I ate.

Clothes:  Only have limited pants I can wear anymore with the belly band....or lots of dresses!  This weekend is labor day, so plan to go shopping and hopefully hit some sales!

Names:  We actually have 2 name books now!  One book is smaller and I was so glad to see Dustin take some initiative and pick up the book-- although he went through all the boy names and didn't find one that he really liked...and the ones he somewhat liked, I vetoed right away.  The other book has over 100,000 names, so I told him we better find something in there!  He has not opened the book, but I've gone through quite a bit of it.  I was up early last Saturday morning and had added some more to a list I started, so Dustin (stalling to not get out of bed) tells me to bring it back there and read it to him.  So he had a few on there that he hated, but some that were possibilities....then I said one name and he's like- "I like that one, that's the best, we're done."  I'm like- "excuse me, we're done?  Just because I wrote down a possibility and you like it, that can't just mean we are done cause was first one we somewhat liked!"  This is prime example of why we don't work well together on tasks like this-- I like to explore all options and hem-haw around....he just wants the quickest way possible.  So I think I convinced him that we need to look a little more, but is good to have a name to compare to.  We still haven't decided if we'll reveal the name once we decide on it or wait.....but no one will ever guess-- when I looked up info on it, it's not even in the SSN database for statistics cause is not in the top 1000 names, which surprised us both a lot.  This has been a great site in researching names: http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com/.  Once we come up with a possibility, you can go here and see statistics like how popular it's been over the years, what the name means, but also people post how likely you are to get bullied because of your name and mean/funny nicknames people come up with.  So for example, I put in my name- Amy- I never had anyone make fun of my name, so didn't think there would be anything.  But one of the most common ones was people calling you Lame-y...which I never should have told Dustin cause he calls me lame all the time now for going to bed so early, so now he'll probably latch onto this nickname!  You should go try it out with your name- it was fun!

Cravings:  None

Purchases:  None

Baby To-Do Items: 
  • I've been working for several weeks on researching items for the registry.  My plan is in the next week to get that all finalized.  One interesting thing we learned was that I made Dustin go to Babies R Us this last weekend and take the carseat we registered for to try it out in the car.  He was annoyed with me thinking I was nuts, but said he would do it if it made me feel better.  So....fast forward a few minutes and guess who can't get the carseat to fit in the back of our car?!?!  So now we have another headache to deal with-- we absolutely love my car (RAV4) and want to keep it for a few more years....but they are just not ideal with a carseat.  With most vehicles you put the carseat in the middle, but with ours you can't.  So what you have to do is put it on the passenger side, but in order for it to fit the front passenger seat has to be all the way forward with zero recline...not ideal for anyone to sit there, so then your passenger has to sit in the back seat with the baby.  So the point is we can make do for a while, but will be getting a 2nd car pretty fast and may just have to do away with the RAV4 sooner than we'd like.
  • I've also done a lot of researching into some nursery options and what color scheme and such we want to go with.  I think I have it narrowed down to 2 options, with 1 being my favorite....but gotta show the hubs and see what he thinks.  I also hope to decide on that this week.
  • I've slowly been looking into photographers, but want to just get that booked as many are filling up.  It's been hard cause I don't want to spend much money on this, but want someone good and want someone who will give me a cd with the rights to the pictures.
  • Figure out what baby classes we'll sign up for at the hospital and get registered for those.
  • Sign up for cloth diapering class at Cotton Babies store.

Date: 8.30.2011
Weight: 144 (up 13 lbs from start)
Belly circumfrence: 35.5 in