Felt any movement? Yes, finally!!!! I actually started feeling really faint signs of movement just after my 20-week post. The last 4 days now it has been 100% noticable and definite that it is the baby I'm feeling. I actually don't like it at all, but assume I will get used to it or maybe it will grow on me. It just is uncomfortable and kinda weirds me out-- it's not painful by any means, but reminds me of having an upset stomach almost. Normally when you have some sort of rumble in your tummy it indicates bad things may be happening, so I think it's just hard at this point cause is so noticable to me. Dustin has yet to try to feel any movement cause every time he is around the baby is still...unless it is the middle of the night in which cause Dustin is sleeping while I'm laying there annoyed!
Clothing? Still wearing my normal clothes, although for the last 4-5 days I've worn pants or shorts I've had to wear the belly band to make them more comfortable. (In case you don't know what a belly band is, it's like a circle of spandex that you stretch around your waistline and it will hold your pants up so you don't have to button them-- see the pic below. Ya, you feel officially fat once you hit this point! With it being so hot out, I actually find it a little uncomfortable to wear, but will do for the next few weeks.)
Purchases: None
Names: Still haven't started thinking on this. Although an interesting topic has been discussed recently, so I'll digress a little into the debate-- why do some people decide not to share the name until the birth? I really had never thought twice about once we decide on a name or a few names of being open and sharing that with people-- it just didn't make any sense to me to deliberately not tell. But, A LOT of people choose to do this, so I started asking around about it. So some people do not tell because they say they want to keep people interested for something after the birth-- which I personally disagree with and would not do for that reason. It's not like your co-workers or random people are hanging by a thread so interested in your baby name that it needs to be some big secret and revelation. Other people say they like knowing something and having the power trip to tell someone that they can't be told that information-- which I also personally disagree with. I actually think that is just rude and un-necessary. Again, no one really cares about this name as much as the parents...so if I ask someone what the name is and they don't want to tell, but are feeling like it is some power trip-- I really don't think it is cause I'll find out later and not going to lose any sleep over it! So, then the number one main reason why people said they don't tell is they just don't want to hear people's opinions or negativity about the name. This actually made me kinda sad to hear that basically they are not telling something just because others can be so rude. Generally people are not near as open about their negative feelings on the name if it is announced once the baby is here. I've talked to many people who said with their first child they shared the name and will never, ever in a million years do that again because they all had stories about people saying how much they hated the name, thought it was weird, associated it with xyz, etc. So now this has made me re-think everything cause the last thing I'm expecting or need is some un-solicitated input from joe blow. I wish people would just learn to keep their mouths shut and opinions to themselves, but people just don't get it....my husband included. Several years ago we had some friends who said what they'd be naming their baby, which was a completely normal name....but Dustin did not care for it and flat out told them that name sucked, he couldn't believe they were going to name the baby that, it was awful, etc. After the couple left I was furious with Dustin and tried telling him how rude that was and I seriously thought he should apologize because I would have got in the car and cried the whole way home if someone had said those things to me. He just didn't get it and didn't feel like it was rude at all. So I know if my own husband is capable of this, then at some point we will encounter this with some other moron ripping me to shreds for choosing whatever name. So....stay tuned for if we'll share or not! It bums me out actually to feel like I can't share because I'll be hurt by rude comments....but guess that is life!
Cravings: None
22-Week Stats
Date: 8.2.2011
Weight: 139 (up 8 lbs from start- that is 4 lb gain in the last 2 weeks since I started eating the ice cream! I'm not one that usually obsesses over my weight, but it's a very hard concept to accept to just feel your belly getting fatter and knowing it's okay/normal. I just feel disgusting and like I should be on a diet!)
Belly circumfrence: 35 inches (I had to use a different type of tape measure today, so hopefully this is accurate, but I swear my stomach has ballooned out like crazy in the last 2 weeks, so think it has grown way more than 1 inch)
Picture (20-weeks is on left compared to my current status on right-- see, definitely more than 1 inch gained around my belly!):