

So today it was announced that this will be Simon's last year on American Idol. I already am a little apprehensive if I'll like this season cause Ellen usually drives me nuts...and wasn't a fan of Kara last season. Now if they lose Simon, I just feel like the show is going to go downhill and just be too different from what has made it a success. Will be interesting to see what happens I guess!

Today was Day 8 of exercising....although I have a confession. I only had free time on Saturday in the morning and woke up not feeling well at all. So told myself I could take it easy on the wii fit, but just didn't even feel well enough to do that. So I did no workout. However, I did play with keenan and that at least got me moving around a bit more than usual....and then today I stayed at the gym 30 minutes later than planned and rode the bike to make up for missing Saturday......so I'm hoping that makes up for it somewhat!

Ok, dead tired, so time for bed