

So my 30 days of 30 minutes of exercise has failed for sure now. There were just some days where it was too big of a pain for me to make the time for exercise. I'm bummed, but knowing me, I knew I probably wouldn't be able to do it! This week I had a hair appt on Wed night over in highland, so by the time I got home from that and had dinner it was 8:30. So, yes I could have exercised, but just seemed like better idea to relax and not get my heart pumped up before going to bed! Then Thurs we had bowling and I had a headache, so just vegged out for the free hour I had between work and bowling rather than exercising. So maybe I just need to set a different type of goal. Maybe my goal is xxx number of minutes of exercise during the week? That way I can do longer workouts on some days and doesn't matter then if it can't be every day. I'll have to think on that. I hate the gym, so the wii fit has been such a great alternative to mix up the workouts! I need to keep incorporating that though to keep me motivated!