Seriously, AT&T should send this out to help people:

I guess I'll first say that I still recommend using AT&T products, but just venting my frustration and telling the facts of my experience this week. So, I transferred my phone and DSL service from my condo to the loft in August...shouldn't that be an easy routine thing to do? The thing that has complicated this was that I upgraded to a faster DSL service at the loft....still not complicated though. EVERY MONTH since then they have my bill wrong and are still charging me for service at my addition to the loft! I've called 3 times and explained that it should be shut off, i don't live there, nothing should be billed to that phone number/address anymore! So I spent seriously like 4 hours on the phone being transferred around to like 5 people last month. One of the reps I talked to seriously told me that he didn't think it could be fixed and I'd just have to call each month to have them adjust it. Am I on some sort of hidden camera show? He really did not suggest that to me? I should have got his user ID and sent an email to his boss's telling them of that craziness. Instead, he eventually came up with the idea to transfer me somewhere else and they'd be able to help me. Ok, whatever, anything has to be better than this dude. So I got a very nice rep (but nice doesn't really matter to me) who assures me I will not see it come through on any more bills. Well, this week I open my bill and guess what- this is going to be hard to believe- but they are still charging me for service at my condo! So now I gotta call again and have ZERO confidence that they can get it right this time. So I guess my choices are to just cancel the service or call every month to have them fix the bill??? Hmmmmmm....doesn't see too ideal.
On top of that the company pushes us all the time to make referrals to our friends and family to use AT&T products. Well after all the experiences I have, it's a little hard for me to recommend my friends and family go through this torture. Anyways, Dustin's dad was interested in terminated his insurance company's contract with sprint and switching to AT&T. So we have this special hotline we are supposed to call with prospective customers on the line. There are posters all over work with this phone number and we get emails out the yin-yang on this. So Dustin gets some lady from his dad's work on the phone and they call the AT&T special hotline. So after being on hold Dustin gets through and the rep tells him this is the wrong number! So says she'll transfer them to the right number....then they sit on hold there for 30 minutes and finally hang up cause are sick of waiting! So this is the treatment we give potenetial customers??!?! How embarrassing???
Ok, guess that is enough venting about the company that gives me a paycheck each month! Once you get the service, I feel like it's's just dealing with getting it set up and the billing!