I don't think I can vote tonight because I'm being torn in 3 different directions!!!! I really can't decide who I think should go home....nor can I figure out what America will vote for! Here's how I saw it:
Danny (right)-- I am not a big Danny fan. I was not impressed with his first song, but thought he was OUTSTANDING when he did You are So Beautiful. I just can't believe that his wife passed away 4 weeks before the auditions, so I give him so much credit for going through with all this and probably is a nice distraction. I think he has a ton of fans and I think a lot of people are inspired by his story, so he could easily make it through. I think he has a broad appeal from old to young fans, male to female, etc.
Kris (Center)-- I have LOVED Kris from the beginning-- he is super cute, seems like a really nice modest guy, and I love his style of music. I thought he rocked both songs tonight! First he did Apologize at the piano and then did Heartless acoustic. My big concern is that both songs are more current and he may not have picked up votes from the older people watching the show. EEk- so maybe I need to vote for him!
Adam (Left)-- So Adam is BY FAR the most talented person this season and probably ever on idol that we've seen. Every song he can make his own style and he obviously just has a knack on how to be a rock star! I was glad Simon made a point at the end not to just praise him assuming he'll be in the finals and remind people to vote because that is how he gets through. I think it could be a shocker still where he doesn't make it because people assumed he would get through so they voted the hell out of Kris and Danny. I also think some older people may just think he is too over the top and not vote for him.
Can't wait for tomorrow night!!!!!! I think if I have to pick, I'd pick Danny to go home if I pick it solely off just the songs and not their personality and story.