So this week dustin and I split up some of the wedding "to do" tasks. I had done some investigation into party buses, but he called around to get all the pricing and availability. I think the one he picked seems pretty good! My requirements were basically that it had to be a bus over a limo so that way we could stand up and walk around in it and that it had to have the perimeter style seating, not front facing. So I'm thinking this is what will take the wedding party to the ceremony and then we'll use to drive around and get some pictures between the ceremony and reception. He's still checking into the shuttle for the guests...but we have a fun, interesting idea for that!
My task was to book the ceremony music. I found a trio that seemed to have a good selection of music and was reasonably priced and will also play for the cocktail hour during the reception. So I've given them all the info and just need to sign the contract.
And the only other big thing to get done in the next week or so is the officiant. I'll feel a little relief once these are all booked and finalized!