So Dustin turned the big 30 this weekend! Just means my time is getting closer than I want! We really didn't do anything super exciting or extravagant, but dustin had a good time I think. Friday night we went to the Scottish Arms for dinner and 2 other couples met us there, then we just went to the Mauritson's to watch the bball games afterwards. Then on Saturday we had our families over here and we hung out up on the roof cause the weather was sunny and probably about 55-60 degress-- pretty much perfect! We played washers, watched bball, ate lots, and just sat around. The Shonks gave dustin this hard hat with his name plastered across the front that was hilarious-- we're thinking he needs to show up on the first day of his strike assignment with this hard hat along with a shirt I made him for xmas that had Dustin across the front of that...he'd definitely look a few screws loose and maybe they'd send him back home!