
Catch-up Time

Argh- so I've been a slacker again, but partly have an excuse. I've been sick since mardi gras- started as sore throat, then turned into a cold, and now has turned into nagging cough. So now I have too much stuff to update, so will have to give the quick recap of everything. So this last weekend we went to a Trivia Night which we do every year to support a friend's rugby team. I think we placed like 18th out of maybe 25 tables-- not very impressive. It didn't help that they really lacked on the pop culture type questions. I was proudly able to contribute the name of the woman who just had the octuplets and that was about it. One category that unfortunately was worth double was a sheet of pictures of people-- you had to give their name and what cabinet position they hold or other white house type job. Ummmm ya-- did not even recognize one face on the sheet. I think we got 1 right!

I've also done some dress shopping- gone out 3 different times to a total of 4 more stores. Saturday I went to Blushing Bride in Shiloh and then Elegant Brides downtown and found possibilities at both of those. Still nothing that just strikes me as perfect, but I think I'd be happy with one I found.
Lots of good stuff on TV lately. Mondays are killer because I watch The Bachelor, 24, Heroes, Gossip Girl, and How I met Your Mother. The rest of the week I'll just watch American Idol, 90210, and the Office...so at least it slows down.

Ok, so my AI thoughts...I LOVED Megan Corkrey from the 2nd round, but she has not made it through...yet. I agree with Kara she is just the package deal-- she's absolutely gorgeous, just very unique, and something about her that I think people will follow her and like. So she better get through to the top 12 or everyone make me boycott! I also really like Felicia Barton from the 3rd round, so I'll find out tonight if she gets through!

And I lastly have to comment on the Bachelor. I must admit I've been quite the devoted fan to this stupid show. So I didn't want to believe the rumors "Reality Steve" posted, but he was mostly right. Jason, the bachelor, I thought was just like the best ever-- he seemed like an extremely nice guy and just had everything going for him. So he ends up picking Melissa, but then realizes after the show ends that he has feelings for Molly and should have picked her! So they do an emergency taping to have him break it off with Melissa and then ask Molly to give him a chance. Supposedly he is still with Molly and she is moving to Seattle. I guess if it all works out, then great...but just seems odd that if Molly was the one for him that he didn't choose her to start with! And all these rumors are swirling about how much the producers and abc were involved in all this. Today some emails between Melissa and Jason were posted where he even says the producers were involved in so much of this. Anyways, what a fiasco and I swore I was done with the show. Until they announced that Jillian will be the next bacheloretty and she was my absolute favorite from this season- just so down-to-earth and seemed so normal. So let's hope she can find a nice guy!

Jillian, Melissa, Jason, and Molly: