Wow- it is so hard to believe that 6 months has already passed...well, as of June 13 he hit his half-birthday! I seriously can't believe how time has flown by and how quickly he is growing up. These last few weeks here feel like they've been my favorite and I'd give anything to just freeze time here for a while. Before I get into too many details, I gotta share some pics of how extremely cute he is right now...
And EVERYTHING goes in the mouth these days. I didn't get many pics this month cause most of the photoshoot went like this...
6-month checkup
Height/Length: 28.5 inches (96 %-tile)
Weight: 21 lb 15.1 oz (93 %-tile)
Head circumference: 18.1 inches (95 %-tile)
Doctor Notes/Comments: Looking really healthy- don't worry about him being big, it is a good thing and he will probably have some dips in weight later. The doctor actually thought we could give him more ounces each day and not to be afraid to that. Also, continue with the cereal, but start adding in a fruit/veggie 1x/day. Try to wash his teeth/gums 3x/day- can just use a little washcloth for it. Lachlan got his shots- he screamed for probably 15 seconds when he got them, but settled down super quickly and was a-okay then.
What Lachlan is up to?
- Loves smiling and laughing-- Dad is still the best at getting him to laugh really hard. It just makes me so happy when I see him in a good mood...if only he could be like this 100% of the time!
- Loves playing in his jumparoo, going crazy in his bouncy chair kicking his legs bouncing himself- almost to the point where it looks like he's getting whiplash, and rolling around on his activity gym
- Loves us singing to him....still Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Down by the Bay are his faves.
- Loves finding the tags on toys and licking them and putting them in his mouth. I call him a kitty-cat everything I see him doing the licking thing!
- He is not as into the black/white book anymore, but is starting to moreso like colorful books. Peek-a-Whoo holds his attention best.
- Made his first trip to the pool! He found it very relaxing and even fell asleep in his raft!
- We've kinda figured out napping a little better-- still don't have a set schedule, but I'm much better at reading his queues or knowing when he should go down based on his sleep that day. He goes down pretty well most of the time in his crib. We give him his Wubbanub (pacifier with monkey attached). Lately I've figured out that if I just Shhhhhh him and rub his back for a short time, it will completely relax him enough that he'll then fall asleep immediately when I leave the room.
- Started doing oatmeal every night the week he turned 6 months. He seems to really love it and always finishes the whole bowl.
- He also got the worst diaper rash we'd ever seen. He normally doesn't get rashes, but this one has been so bad that we've transferred him to disposable diapers nonstop for the entire week so we can use creams. We've been using Lotrimin AF twice a day and seems to have really helped.
- Gave him his first bite of real food-- we were at Sno Biz (shaved ice stand), so I sucked off most the flavoring and gave him little tastes....I think it was just so cold that it shocked him cause he'd make a face each time, but then want more.
- He had his last PAT visit until they resume in the fall schoolyear. He was doing outstanding really in all categories. Things he is doing are picking up large objects with both hands, will transfer object between hands, has started to sometimes look for objects if it goes out of his sight, doesn't like to be left alone in the room/notices we are gone, beginning to make crawling motions (he will draw his knees in to his chest and kinda scoot or rock back and forth), squealing, and some more things I can't remember.
- He went to the doctor shortly after turning 5 months to have the doctor examine his head shape since there was a flat spot on the back left side we've been trying to get rid of. I was hoping since he had started rolling and not sleeping on it anymore that it would be better, but she still had a little concern over it and said she'd check again at 6 month appt. At the 6 month appt she thought it looked MUCH better- still not 100% clear, but said it is probably not going to be an issue.
- The week before he turned 6 months Dustin happened to feel inside his mouth and discovered 2 bottom teeth!! We were so excited and could reach in and definitely feel them- the one on his left was really up, so it had been there quite a while without us noticing. Everytime we tried to pull down his lip and look, he just would take his tongue and cover it up- did not want us to get a peak at them for a few days!
- Mostly wearing 9 month clothing- nearly all of his outfits are Carter's cause I just find them easy to buy/find and are a decent price...and seem soft/comfy! We just bought a bunch of stuff and bought it all in 12 month size cause the stuff we have is none too big!
- We are trying to work with him on sitting up, but he pretty much topples over within a few seconds of letting go.
Typical Day at 6 months
- Wakes around 6am- many mornings he doesn't instantly cry, but will play with the feets for a while in bed or talk to himself. Very fun to watch and listen to while I lay in bed!
- He lounges in the bathroom while we get ready for work. Hurry up and put him in the car and he gets his first bottle at daycare.
- He is getting a little more consistent with naps which is very helpful. He is taking a good morning nap around 8am- usually for 1-1.5 hours. He then takes another good nap around 11ish. And then just does a short nap later in the afternoon.
- Typically drinks about 6 6oz bottles/day still- 4 of those usually at daycare and his last 2 at home. Sometimes he'll do 7 oz in some of the bottles. The week he turned 6 months we started doing oatmeal in the evenings each night- he seems to really enjoy it, so we plan to keep up doing food in the evenings!
- We usually pick him up from daycare around 5:30, so once we get home we try to hurry up and change clothes and eat. While we eat, then Lachlan can feed himself his bottle - that is working out very nicely!
- Since it's been so hot, we are stuck to indoor activities, so we just play around with a variety of things for a while. Between about 7:15-7:30 we start the nightly bath and then is off to bed!
- I LOVE giving him his night bottle cause he loves to just lay on his side facing me and snuggle his body into me....although it is REALLY HOT when he does this! He then will reach his arm up and just plays with my face the whole time- I just love it! Knock on wood- we've gone several weeks with him sleeping through the night now too!
A few more pics from this last month...
I love how that tongue is always poking out-
I love this- bounced himself asleep in his chair. Sock is hanging off, blanket is tossed across the face, his arm is stuck through his rings...and fast asleep.
This is his wubbanub we let him sleep with. We really probably should just take it away from him cause as you can see he loves putting the pacifier in his mouth in all sorts of ways except how he should suck on it.
My best business attire...
Just feeding myself and relaxing!