
Lachlan 3 months

I'm bummed it took me so long to get this posted, but better late than never!  Lachlan turned 3 months on March 13 and here is a summary of events for the prior month...

What has Lachlan been up to?
  • Loves putting his hand in a fist, but holding his thumb between pointer  finger and tallman- somehow he always manages to find that position.
  • Loves trying to get his fingers in his mouth—we have caught him several times with the 2 fingers on his right hand in mouth—same as I used to suck (except on my left hand)
  • Fave song is Wheels on the Bus - he pays attention and always puts him in a good mood.  We  make up a LOT of verses just to make the song as long as possible.  I also sing a version to him where I say the XXXXXX on the Lachlan goes XXXXXXX.  His fave is when I sing "The butt on the Lachlan goes <<make farting noise>>"
  • He will hold objects/toys for extended periods of time. Pretty good with purposely bringing the object to his mouth also.
  • Still really loves his black/white book.
  • Neck muscles are getting noticably stronger and will look up at your book while doing tummy time, but still not real fond of being on your stomach more than just a couple minutes.  Haven’t “pushed up” yet, but will definitely hold your head up looking around.
  • Can roll from your back onto your side and will stay there for a while playing with a toy– much more active like in your bouncy seat will stretch everything out and almost fly out of the seat.
Daycare and Back to Work

I feel really lucky that I love our daycare so much and his teachers Ms. Sheila and Ms. Nicole are so nice and comforting to him.  Only 1 time have I seen him cry (which I had blogged on earlier), but other than that he appears happy when dropping him off and picking him up.  I really feel like I couldn't ask for a better situation, which I'm so relieved about cause the last thing I wanted to do was search for another daycare if we didn't like this one.

Lachlan started full days of daycare on Tuesday 3/6 which was my first day back to work.   It wasn’t as hard as I thought it could be to leave him and think it helped that I had done the half days.  I definitely would do that again and recommend to others to start out that way!  By the end of the work day I was just DYING to see him though and felt like it was a race to get to the daycare to pick him up!  As I check him out of daycare on the computer, a message pops up that he has an accident report on file and that I need to view it.  My heart just drops- like what could have possibly happened- it's not like he can even crawl or walk to get into accidents!  Well another kid had reached over and scratched his head...but by the time I got there you couldn't even see any mark of where this happened.  Phew- at least that was minor!  


Shortly after turning 2 months, we moved the Rock N Play he had been sleeping in to his room (rather than next to our bed).   We moved the same noise machine up there and kept him swaddled, so he may not even realize he's in a different room!    He has slept like a champ.  We LOVE our video monitor and the first night he slept up there we seriously sat around and watched the monitor screen as if it was a movie.  I liked in the middle of the night we have the glider chair in the nursery to give him a bottle when needed.

On 3/4 we decided to put him in the crib at night and see what happened- we kept him swaddled and the same sound machine and then propped up the mattress with a pillow.  He has slept GREAT and did a million times better than expected.  I think some of it had to do with him starting daycare and not napping very well there- so then I think it made him sleep better at night.  He pretty much has been sleeping 8-10 hours at night without waking...pure awesomeness!   

Just the last few days before turning 3 months, he now started waking up around 2 each night—he seemed to have really bad gas that needed to get out.   Most of the time I can give him the pacifier and/or rock him for a bit and go right back to sleep.

  • He had another Parents as Teachers visit near the end of February—went well and we saw he is excelling in the vocal skills area and lacking in others.  I think at this point the one thing he failed was that he should recognize his bottle when he sees it and we don't think he does.
  • I was cutting his little finger nails one day and clipped his pinky finger skin- he only cried initially for a bit but it bled FOREVER.  I don't know how one tiny finger has so much blood- it was all over his clothes, his bouncy seat, tons on the nearby burp cloth I grabbed, he went through like 4 band-aids.  After 30 minutes of it still bleeding i was starting to freak out a little bit and was searching on the internet- it basically said it's common to bleed a long time and you have to apply pressure for at least 10 minutes without letting up at all- don't be tempted to look at it.  I had to give him a bottle in order to get him still that I could just apply the pressure.  Hopefully that never happens again!
  • Dustin has started travelling with his job, so it's really hard on him being away from Lachlan.  It's been a little hard on me having to do everything myself with Lachlan 24x7, but it's managable and getting easier each time.
  • Grandma Betty came out for another visit to see Lachlan and help out during a week Dustin was gone.
Typical Day at 3 months:
  • Every night around 7:30 we give him a bath—we let him splash around in there for about 30 minutes. 
  • Around 8:00 swaddle and give a bottle.
  • Put him to sleep in his CRIB. 
  • I pump around 1am.  
  • Awake around 5-5:30am- change diaper and move down to the family room to give him a bottle. 
  • I then pump again, get ready, get all bottles cleaned and prepared for daycare.  
  • Head out around 7 and drop you off at daycare while I go to work or come back home and work. 
  • Takes 4oz. bottles almost every 2 hours while awake- usually is about 28-32 oz total for the day with at least half breastmilk and the rest formula.
  • Still doesn't really have a nap schedule- is completely random.  For now, they are letting him sleep in the swing or bouncy seat at daycare.  Usually he sleeps for 4 short naps there.
  • I'll pick him up at daycare around 5:00.
  • Come home and give him another bottle and eat dinner.  The weather has been really nice, so we try to go for a walk if that's the case.
Pictures from last month: