We are just loving this age he is currently at-- he is FULL of energy, but he is so much fun that it is worth the exhaustion! He continues to make huge strides with entertaining himself for small periods of time. It is crazy how I feel like each day he is learning so much and constantly amazing us!
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
- He is definitely starting to RUN places...especially if he is pushing a toy.
- Not much improvement with the fork/spoon, but we haven't been consistent with practicing. He's very interested in it though-- if he is not eating a food, all we have to do is put it on a spoon and then he's all about it!
Verbal/Communication Skills
- List of words he says or repeats after us (sometimes more often or clearly than others): Uh-oh, Up, More, Hello, Dada, Duck, Mama, Dog, Elmo, Big Bird (new), Shoes (new), Owl (new), Eat (new)
- He has finally figured out 100% that I am MOMMY! He will correctly point to me when asked where is mommy
Cognitive/Brain Development
He can work his plastic puzzles extremely well...still struggles with getting wooden puzzle pieces rotated to fit the right way. Also is getting the hang better of his shape sorter, but still struggles-- he can't identify the right hole based on the shape, so we always point to the spot, but then he sometimes gets frustrated trying to rotate it to fit.
He always gets his body parts right. Feet, Belly, Hair, Eyes, Ears, Nose, Mouth.
He continues to follow simple directions. If I tell him we need to change his diaper, he'll drop what he is doing and head for the stairs to go to to his room!
Favorite Things
- Loves being quizzed. He has favorite pages in several books that he loves for us to ask him "where is xxxx?" and then he points to it. His favorite books to do this with are a Winnie-the-pooh book, Elmo goes to the zoo, and Noisy Peekaboo Roar Roar. He does very good with identifying nearly all Sesame Street characters and pretty good with animals...however, he seems to really struggle with the Winnie characters. He also loves a ABC book that grandma made with pictures from our camera-- he loves to be quizzed on the family members in there. Aunt Missy he gets right 100% of the time. He probably gets Keenan, Liam, and Lily right about 80% of the time. Katie and Daniel are 50/50 chance. The grandmas and grandpas are complete confusion.
- LOVES just walking around outside- needs minimal toys to enjoy the outdoors. Loves to ride in the Cozy Coupe. Will climb in it in the garage and just wait for someone to start pushing him.
Typical Day at 17 months:
One of his favorite toys is this puppy who sings songs. He claps along and just has a blast! |
One of his favorite things is stealing the paper blind clips |
Someone has stinky feet! |
Lachlan showing us his tongue |
Was VERY interested in learning about Dad's tongue and mouth |
Just loves being outside or watching outside |
I brought him home from walmart and he was so sleepy I couldn't even get his coat off before he just fell over asleep on the couch! |
Got to try some Chick-Fil-A lemonade at the mall! |
Surprisingly, was not too scared of Minnie Mouse |
And the carseat tantrums have started. He frequently REFUSES to get in the carseat and thrashes about and crawls out while screaming. |
Very proud of his crown he made at school |