Well, I officially feel like we have a little toddler instead of a baby now...so is exciting, but also sad to see him growing so quickly! Man, I thought he couldn't sit still and behave well for his 14 month pictures...those went WAY better than this month! He is just determined to get those stickers pulled off and there is no way he is going to sit still and give a smile. I can honestly remember back to the first few months of these pictures and having such a difficult time with them and thinking it was going to be so great once he was like at this age and all the cute pics I would get....ha, what a dummy! Those were the easy days cause he wasn't moving all over the place!
Has a total of 12 teeth now! All 4 of his first molars have came in...so maybe we'll be done with teeth for a while now.
Dr. Appt Stats
Weight: 27 lbs 6 oz (94%)
Length: 31.5 in (but he was having a meltdown, so am doubtful of this measurement-- 60%)
Head: 19.5 inches (99%)
Fine/Gross Motor Skills
- He can now open all the doors in our house, so that has been a lovely treat!
- He quickly learned how to climb the stairs and had no fear, so will just go all the way to the top no problem. He can crawl down also, but usually just does it for a few steps and then wants you to carry him.
- And he is full out walking everywhere finally! On his 14 month birthday he got brave and took a step without holding on. A few days later he was brave enough to walk between Dustin and myself taking maybe 4-5 steps. Every few days it just kept getting better and better for him until about this last weekend he is really comfortable with walking...he will walk to get wherever he needs to go and never crawls anymore.
Verbal/Communication Skills
Says "Up" and points upstairs when he wants to go up there to play.
Says "more" when he signs it.
Says "Hello" when he pretends to talk on the phone.
List of words he says often: Up, More, Hello, Dada, Duck (Still not hearing mama or hi with any real frequency lately)
Waves bye-bye
Very obvious when he wants you to read-- he'll usually bring a book over and shove it at you and then plop down on your lap.
He has been Starvin Marvin lately...it is seriously shocking how much he eats. Last week at school, one day he ate 3 rib patties, full fruit serving, and full veggie serving plus milk at lunch. Seriously?! Then another day that week I have no clue what he all ate, but his teachers told Dustin at pick-up that they had to stop him cause was afraid he was going to make himself sick. He just eats large portions at most meals, but then also needs frequent snacks on top of it!
No change from 14 months. Of course I always wish we could get the occasional weekend where he would go 12+ hours at night, but overall he has been a saint with sleeping. On the weekends, can leave him in his crib for at least 30 minutes while he just sits and patiently waits for us to get him...I keep waiting for him to grow out of that and start screaming for us, but so far so good.
Favorite Things
- Still loves all the same things he did at 14 months.
- Has really got into the iPad and iPhones. Grandma came to visit and he got used to playing on her ipad each morning, so we have now downloaded some of those apps. There is one called Music Sparkles where you can play a xylophone, but it also has background music to play. He LOVES the banjo background music and will bop his head up and down to it.
- We took the seat out of his fisher-price piano, so now he can stand in there. He loves playing in there and clapping and bouncing to the music.
- He loves when he gets to go bye-bye. And he doesn't mind at all wearing his shoes now!
- We had some nice weather and went to the park...he LOVED the swings and was so sad when he had to get off of them.
- He has a new Sesame Street fire truck that makes a ton of sounds and he can push or ride. He loves doing both. It has a seat that lifts up, so he has had the time of his life loading random objects in there. If I ever can't find something, that is going to be the first place I look! As an example, he currently has in there some clips from our paper window blinds, some crumpled paper he took out of the trash can, and one of his books. He really likes putting a sippy cup or snack in there and hauling it around too.
Typical Day at 15 months:
And here are some pics from the last month...
LOVES to bang on computers |
He probably said "Hello" at least 25 times here |

ALWAYS sits with his little feet crossed. |
This was actually my old snowsuit (so is why it is a little girly)...the hat is his cause the hood on the snowsuit was cone-shaped and would not stay on his head! |
Did not really enjoy it cause was basically sleeting out, so probably was hurting his little face |
Not usually how he sleeps, but frequently find him in odd positions |
Loved playing with the shredded paper or listening to me shred documents. |
Wearing my shoes WITHOUT any tears! |
Attempting to work his puzzle (and after his 2nd haircut)! |