
37 weeks

What's new?  Well our good friends that were due only 5 days before me had their baby this last weekend....so that has made us kick into gear a little more!  My main issue is still that my ribs are killing me, so just makes it really hard to relax and get comfortable.  A hot shower is really the only thing that feels great-- consequently I'm going to hate to see our water bill this month!  I'm also just moving a lot slower, which I didn't think was possible...but it's just hard to walk at a decent speed and am feeling more pressure down in my pelvic area.

We got the car seat installed and inspected by the fire department, so that is set now!  We didn't think our car had a latch in the right spot, so poor Dustin spent forever using a seatbelt to try and install the seat base.  Ultimately we just gave up cause the seat wasn't getting tight enough with the seatbelt...so luckily the fire dept showed us the latches and in less than a minute put the base in all snug and secure!

We also got our hospital bags packed as much as possible at this point.  Although I've gone through so many lists and recommendations from people, but still doesn't seem like there is much we are bringing.  I've stashed some towels in the car and at work in case my water would break at either of those places since I spend a lot of time there....but let's hope not!

We worked some more in the nursery.  I made some cute prints/signs to frame for the wall above the dresser/changing area.  We worked some more on the dresser, but unfortunately still waiting for 1 replacement piece to arrive-- due to Dustin scratching the front of one of the drawers.

One big item this week was that we had been sleeping on a mattress on the floor and was getting very frustrating for me cause was hard to get up/down from...and if we suddenly had the baby, wasn't really ideal for me to be camped out almost on the floor.  So we decided we just have to go buy a bedroom set and new mattress, cause wanted to upgrade to King bed.  So after many stores, we finally just picked something and got it all ordered.  We were able to get the mattress, bed, and dresser in the next week...but the mirror and nightstands will take 4-6 weeks.  Since all I really cared about was the bed/mattress, then that was good with me!

Dr. Appt
Date: 11/15/11
Weight: 154 lbs (no change- up 23 from start)
Blood Pressure:
Fundal Height: 34.5 cm
Internal Exam: 1.5 cm dilated; 70% effaced
Appointment:  Dustin was unable to go to the appt with me, so we were both bummed about that.  My doctor said that everything looked good and was pleased with the rate at which I was moving along.  I brought up how I still have a lot of pain on my right side with my ribs and it's just brutal at times.  The prescription from last week didn't seem to do anything.  She said I could try taking 2 pills instead of just 1 and see if that helps, but only do in the evenings or when have no plans cause will probably knock me out.  She also said it could be several things that are causing the pain, but if it is bruised then this pain will probably continue for a couple months after I deliver....not what I wanted to hear!

Picture: (feeling oh so large....ugh)