Within 5 minutes of being there, he all of a sudden takes off down the hall and into our bedroom...so I follow after him and he's in our closet. It was like he had a magnet on him and knew there were xmas gifts back there! I had a stack of stuff in the very back of the closet, most of it were all girl gifts for poor people we were buying for....but there was 1 game of Hungry Hungry Hippos in there for him. So of course he asks about this stack of gifts and I say those are xmas presents for some little kids I know and let's just go back out to the living room with dustin. He looks at me and says, "But I'm a little kid." It was so cute and I'm like- well we still need to go shopping for you, so how about you tell me what you want. So that gets him talking and moving out of the closet. Ok, hopefully he just forgets about that stuff back there now!
So we go play some board games he brought over-- Candyland, Hi-Ho-Cherry-O, and I Spy. I told Keenan that in our house when we play Candyland, that also means we eat candy...so him and Dustin were excited to much on some skittles and suckers.
Well then he decides he wants to just wrestle around with Dustin and stop focusing on games. Dustin is flipping him all around no the couch and of course, I tell them to be careful cause the brick wall is right behind them. Within 3 minutes later, Dustin slams his head on the corner of the brick wall and blood starts gushing everywhere! Keenan had blood all over his hand and I thought he was going to freak out, but luckily he really didn't scream and was just softly crying/whimpering some. So we made him put a cold washcloth on it for a while and I was worried how bad it really was....but after a few minutes he's insisting to us he's fine and he can still wrestle. We're like- NO WAY- we can only sit and play games for a while! There was blood on the couch, so I was cleaning that off and he came over and asked if that was from him and then said "I'm Sorry." Here the poor kid is apologizing when Dustin bashed his head in! So after all this, he takes me back to the bedroom closet and points to Hungry Hungry Hippos and asks if we can play that cause he has seen it on a commercial and looked fun. What are you going to say at that point...so I'm like, sure we can open that and play that.
So after a bit we played some more active games again. One was just covering dustin with pillows on the floor and mild wrestling. Then I taught Keenan how to gather all the blankets and pillows and build a tent with the table and chairs. So we do this and he tells me he's done this before with his dad and grandpa and it's called Big Bad Wolf and you huff and puff and blow the house down. So Keenan and I would sit inside the tent and then dustin would storm in as the wolf and demolish it, then we'd run and hide while the wolf chased us. We had all the lights off and drapes closed, so it was actually pretty scary for me...but he loved it!
One cute story is he picked up this replica Eiffel Tower we have on our bookshelves and he's like "WOW!" I ask him if he knows what that is and he says yes, he's seen it on tv before. So I'm all impressed this kid knows the Eiffel Tower at this point! I tell him Dustin and I just went there on vacation and it's real far away from here. He says- no it's not....come here (and pulls me over to the window). He's like- it's right there, I think we could walk there! He's pointing at a red and white like cell phone tower or something! It was hilarious.
Finally we get hungry so decide to preheat the oven for a pizza. All of a sudden I notice a ton of smoke billowing out of the oven.....I go open it up and it pours out and there was some burnt cheese (from yesterday's pizza) causing this issue. So I shut the door and turn off the oven, but our place is filled with smoke at this point. So we open the windows, open the door, am fanning by the smoke alarm....the last thing we need is for the building to be evacuated or sprinklers go off! Of course Keenan is running around asking if there is going to be a fire? At one point he ran over to the window and shouted outside- Someone call the fire department! Hey, at least he knew what to do in an emergency! And in the midst of all this he asks if he can still have pizza or what will he eat-- I'm like, we'll clean the oven and get you some pizza. Well, his parents come to pick him up before the pizza is done, so he never even got any :(
So get this-- all he can talk about to his parents and to his grandma the next day is NOT the fact that Dustin gashed his head, but that Amy set the pizza on fire and there was smoke everywhere!
On thanksgiving, Dustin's dad brought him downtown to see the parade, so we met up with them for a bit. It got freezing cold out there and started raining, so was just MISERABLE by the end....so Keenan finally agreed that he wanted to go inside to Dustin's work to warm up for a bit and just watch it from up high.