So the same day I had my detergent experiment, I also did some MAJOR cleaning and got some other projects done. I'm so proud of myself cause I've kept everything cleaned now this entire last week! This is huge for us and I'm hoping to break a lot of my bad sloppy habits. I've realized it's much easier to take 3 minutes for instance each night and put all dishes in the dishwasher vs. the counter/sink and to wipe down the countertops rather than let it pile up and do all at once days later. I finally got around to getting a picture of one of the projects tonight...I don't think it turned out awesome, but was an improvement. Using some paint I had in our storage unit, I added a splash of color in our kitchen/family room to my wall of mirrors. I do like it cause it ties in our family room furniture that is all different shades of brown. I then bought a new rug at wal-mart that fit the color scheme really well. So it was a fairly cheap project to change things up a little!
Before Pic:
After Pic: