Still hasn't really set in, but this is my first day as a married lady! I feel like I will have SO many pics and things to blog about....but will give quick synopsis now. We leave for HM tomorrow and am VERY excited for a vacation! The weather turned out absolutely maybe dustin luck is not so bad after all! Woke up Saturday morning and looked beautiful, but laid in bed watching the weather forecasts and they all kept saying rain was moving in and we'd have thunderstorms in the afternoon. I check the hourly forecast and still calling for rain at 3pm. So it POURS after lunch-- people from out of town were saying they almost had to pull off the road it was raining so hard. Dustin said the phone was ringing off the hook with people calling...cause I'm sure they are thinking there is no way they are supposed to go to our outdoor ceremony. So Dustin had been trying to call the botanical gardens, but couldn't get through. So Yara, our awesome coordinator, gets through to the gardens and they say they have a meterology team there and that the rain will end around 2 and we'll be good-- they'll get the seats dried off and everything good to go. So we keep the ceremony on! Stops raining at some point-- maybe like 2:30 and holds off throughout the ceremony-- the sun even peeked out some too! It was just amazing how it worked out. So we stay around the gardens for some pictures afterwards and the sky starts getting super dark and gloomy. I know it made for great pictures, but we were just waiting for it to start pouring on us! We were able to take pics for about an hour and then started feeling raindrops, so got to the bus pronto. Starts raining then as we are driving downtown to the arch for more pictures. Arrive at the arch and it is sprinkling, but not too bad so we get out of the bus. Looks like the storm is moving away and sun will be coming back out. Then the sun comes out and a RAINBOW appears!!!!!! It was just so awesome and thinking it was so fitting that we got engaged in Hawaii where we saw so many awesome rainbows....and then we happen to get one in St. Louis on our wedding day!!!!! I just can't even describe how perfect that weather worked out...and I will be forever grateful that we were able to have the beautiful outdoor ceremony. Then it was on to the reception which was a lot of fun....but just flew by! Ok, more details and pics later, but here are a few people have sent: