Well, I've been super busy lately and haven't even had a minute to post, but I'm also a little hesitant to post too much wedding stuff now cause I want there to be some elements of surprise at the wedding! We have got a TON of wedding stuff done recently, but there is still quite a bit to go! In the midst of all this, I got another offer on my condo and we've signed a contract- woohoo! All this happened within the first month of listing it with a realtor, so at least it moved quickly. They did the inspection and appraisal this week and all has gone fairly well. I'm not giving in to all items on the inspection, so we'll see how that goes...but I've already caved enough on the price that I honestly am just ready to walk away from this buyer if she won't take. Basically she's asking for $750 because the hot water heater and furnace are old...HELLO, you are buying a 27 year old condo and be happy that at least in the last 2 years I've replaced ALL kitchen appliances to stainless steel/black and bought a new A/C unit AND I bought her a home warranty for the first year. So assuming this all goes through, we close on the Thursday right before the wedding....so now I gotta work on selling all my furniture and sorting through the rest of my belongings there. Speaking of which, if anybody needs anything, just let me know and I may have it and willing to give you! One thing less for me to put on craigslist or take to goodwill. I'll be somewhat sad to leave my condo, which dustin doesn't understand at all how I get attached to places....but it's just that it was my first place I bought and had lots of good memories there, but I am ready to get rid of it and LOVE the teeny tiny loft we're in! Oh and I kept trying to sell the buyer all or some of my belongings and the only thing she wanted was these 3 paintings I made! So if I ever lose my job at AT&T, guess people are willing to buy my artwork! I had a previous interested buyer who also said too that she didn't want any furniture, but wanted to be my 3 art pieces! Too funny- what's the saying- one person's junk is another's treasure or something like that. Dustin was bummed cause he really liked them and wanted them for the loft, but they just belong with the condo and am happy to pass them on to the next owner!
A few pics to remember it by:

The great gus artwork!