

It's been almost 2 weeks, but the big news around the county, or really the world, is that Michael Jackson passed away-- suspected of drug overdose. Today they had a service in LA at the Staples Center for him where many celebrities spoke and performed. I was able to Tivo most of it, but it cut off before the whole thing ended. By far the most emotional part was when his daughter, Paris, spoke and was obvious that he was a great father and treated those kids well. Dustin was like 4 years old or really young when Thriller was popular and supposedly would just have MTV on and wait until thriller would come on...then he'd get on his rocking horse and just go crazy riding it. He went to visit relatives in Canada and was so crazed over MJ that he had a little leather outfit and glove and insisted that he wear it on the airplane home! We have some pics of him, so I need to dig those up and add to this post. The funny part about seeing the pic was that it's a big old snow glove, not the diamond white glove! I guess what do you expect for Canada though! Until I can scrounge up that old pic, here's a recent one of Dustin with his idol at an 80s party we were at.