I know some of you may have thought I dropped off the Earth, but I've just been pretty busy lately. I'm busy at work and then in the evenings I've been trying to work on wedding stuff. The union contracts expired last weekend for AT&T, so we are on standby for our strike assignments...which is another reason I'm trying to get stuff done now.
Recent wedding accomplishments are that we've asked our wedding party and everyone accepted! I took my girls that were in town out to dinner at Kemoll's and then gave them a bottle of wine that had a poem on it and asked them to be my bridesmaid. Unfortunately that project turned into a MAJOR headache and I just never should have attempted it. But it was one of those that you put so much time into that you are going to finish hell or high water! So I bought wine bottles and soaked them and peeled off the labels- not too bad. Then I spent a lot of time photoshopping labels together and such. I went to Kinko's to just see if they could print them-- was going to be like $60 for some crappy labels! No thank you. So I bought some photopaper and used my home printer to print them. I did the color side first and turned out pretty good. Then, I procrastinated and the night before dinner just had to print out the backside label that was in black and white-- well as I'm sticking it to the bottle I noticed I had to be pretty careful because the ink was smearing. But there wasn't major harm, so just let them sit out overnight. Put them in bags the next day and bring them to dinner and missy pulls hers out and is staring at the back and is like-- "Is this supposed to say something? Mine is all smudged up!" I guess going in and out of the bag it smeared them even worse, so I was so upset! Anyways, I think she was a little critical and they were still readable, but just not perfect. So unfortunately Stefanie and Alexa did not get a gift cause I figured it wasn't worth finishing theirs, but maybe in the end they are lucky they didn't get this and just got a phone call!
Front of bottles

Back of bottles with minimal smudging (this was missy's)

Mandi, Crystal, me, and Missy at dinner

We also got the DJ booked last week. And I've booked hair and makeup for myself and any of the girls that want stuff done. We are meeting the officiant on Thursday, so I'm assuming we'll like him and book him. I started putting together the layout of our ceremony...until Dustin probably shoots the whole thing down! We've done a lot of research on transportation for the wedding, but was bummed cause the best place was booked already...but our plan is to figure that out this week too. And last night I sent the save-the-dates off to print! And Missy and I had 2 outings last week to scope out bridesmaid dresses and she has found a ton of options. So I think we'll get a lot of things pulled together in the next few weeks hopefully.