So I've been bugging dustin probably since way back to the early weeks we met that I want to go skiing! He always says how much we wants to go also and it would be fun....but in our 6 year history we had never gone...until last night! To cut dustin a break, he was concerned it would bother his knee, so we definitely couldn't go the first year or 2 when he had his surgery. Anyways, we had SO much fun and I think we'll go again cause his knee is okay today. I just want to say that I counted 5 times where dustin fell and zip, zero, zilch for me...except I landed on the ground once buy i was just standing still and terry plowed over the back of my skis, so that doesn't really count. Dustin and I are pretty much the same level, so we liked the same slopes, he just goes a tad faster than me most the time. We ride the lift up to attempt our first hill. I tell him that I'm going to go pretty slow until I get the feel of it and for him to try and somewhat stick by me, not just see me at the bottom. Well, literally 30 seconds later he is FLYING past me. So I'm dying laughing cause either he is really good or just took off out of control. So I ski a little more at my turtle pace and look up and see dustin laying on the ground about 1/3 from the bottom and his skis are off, etc. He completely wiped out and his pants fell halfway down as he slid down head first...imagine someone diving into home base. Hahahaha...it was great. Here are some pics...couldn't resist and had to post one of dustin walking back up the hill to get his ski from another wipeout. It's dark, but that's him. He's soooooooo sore today from that fall too!