The Desk Hunt
WE HAVE GOT TO GET A DESK!!!!! I just feel like there is no where to go with mail and papers-- to give you an idea, I currently have my pc set up on the kitchen counter and my file folders in the bedroom nightstand drawer...not ideal! Dustin is playing poker tonight, so I've been on the internet for like 4 straight hours...so some of that was spent desk searching. I just can't find anything like what I want. I want a dark color, but not black...I want it to have storage to hide away our crap, I want it to be somewhat modern/contemporary but not too much. AGH! Anyways, I really like the simple style of the desk on the right, but the problem with this is there is no storage...so I can't let myself buy that! What about the one on the left-- it has really good reviews from people and would give us storage? I'm definitely not loving it though :(

Blog Overhaul

So, just as an FYI, I've decided I want a new layout for my blog that is not so squishy/narrow where I make my postings. This is proving to be more complicated than I thought....so I'll probably have to plead with Dustin to help me out with this so it doesn't take me so long. Anyways, you'll probably find me messing with the format for the next few days until I can get it all setup as I'm picturing!
Wine & Food Festival

Here is Dustin and one of his best buds Devin and then Crystal, Missy, me, and Mandi.
Friends/Fun Times
Inspiration Board
So I had seen some other brides create these inspiration boards for their wedding....so I obviously was a little bored this week and threw one together for me! I'll probably do something completely different, but (for now) I like the look of black/white or black/cream. Off to the wine festival now!

Studio B Booked!
So one of the things I've accomplished wedding-wise lately is booking Studio B, which is like a photobooth/mini-studio concept for our wedding reception. During the party, anyone can go get their picture taken and they'll take 4 different shots. The guest will then get a copy to take home and another copy will be placed in a guest book for us. I am just SUPER excited for this!!!!! EEEEKKKKKK! A girl on the message boards I use recently used them and I stole these pics from her blog so you can see what it's like. You can do pics with just 1 person or a huge group of 20!

Freaky Fairy
Soooooo....this is just a random crazy story I thought I'd share. Dustin's brother- Daniel- tells us tonight that last Friday night he walked into the kitchen and saw a white fairy sitting on the stove, then it just flew into the wall and disappeared. Of course we are laughing, rolling our eyes, making fun of him to no end. So he kept saying that it was just so real and he really didn't think he was seeing things, but knows it sounds crazy. So for days he keeps talking about this until his wife tells him to go look online for this and see what he finds. So, he finds this tale from Ireland about a fairy who visits 5 families and it gives the last names of the families it visits....well, one of them was O'Brien (which is their name)!!!!!! So I'm thinking that is quite some coincidence. Then the tale/legend goes on to say that when the fairy visits, it means there will be a death in the family. When the thought back to it, they found their fish dead on Saturday, the day after he had seen this fairy. Anyways, that is all just crazy coincidence and too weird!

Can someone see if there is a Wurdles Anonymous group meeting I can attend in the area? I made fun of Dustin for playing this on his co-workers iPhone and now that he has the game on his phone, I've taken it over!!!! It's so bad that I can almost rationalize upgrading to the iPhone just so I can play this freakin game 24/7. I believe it is like the old school game Boggle where you just make words from letters that touch. So in this example, they just made the word Stone. Dustin is just ricidulously good at this-- such a smart cookie! He frequently scores like 5-6000 while I am in about the 2000 range normally. Man, makes me sound like a moron....guess I better get back to practicing then...hee hee!
More Decorating
So I got these circle mirrors for xmas that I thought would be a nice modern touch to add to the loft. On a whim, I just decided to hang these above the sink cause it's been bugging me that area was empty. I'm wondering if I need to get another set so they go all the way to the top? Thoughts?

Me Loves some Ski

Friends/Fun Times
Dancing with the stars

Sooooooo...tonight I went to see the Dancing with the Stars show with my sister. First, we have had super ridiculous freezing temperatures since yesterday, so it was not a good night to be out and about. Well, there is a shuttle that picks us up right across from Dustin's....so we get over there and find out there is no shuttle for this event. Great. So Missy thinks we can just walk, so we do and I seriously BARELY made it there. My legs just felt numb and frozen- so awful. But then the good news-- our seats were in row D and they didn't seat anyone in the first 2 rows and we had direct front view of the stage! Then lady with big hair sits down in front of me and can't see a thing- go figure. So we decide to just move to the first row...and that's where we got to sit then! The show had some hokey parts to it...like Lance doing an N Sync bit and declaring his love for Cloris, the old lady on DWTS. But overall it was entertaining and we had a good time. Then dustin came to the rescue and so sweetly picked us up so we didn't have to brave the cold again! My fave couple by far was Lacey and Lance. Lacey was on one of my favorite shows- So You Think You Can Dance...so it's really cool to see her switch over and be considered a pro now on this show. Now I gotta get addicted to America's Best Dance Crew!
Friends/Fun Times
I've been super lazy since xmas, but we did get some new chairs and my mom made some awesome curtains!!! Here's some pics to show what it looks like....now I'm so excited to keep decorating and doing things!

Chair Mission- Successful!
Woo-hoo! We went out shopping tonight and Garden Ridge had our chairs in stock, so we picked them up...and even convinced Dustin we should get 2. Unfortunately you must assemble yourselves and big surprise, Dustin is not feeling up to doing that tonight. I did at least set part of it next to our furniture and it matches almost exactly to the same shade as our existing stuff, so I am super pleased! They also had tons of good xmas stuff on sale. I got some reed diffusers and lots of candles. Not sure why I'm buying more candles when I was trying to get rid of all of them at the engagement party, but these were really cool candles for like $1-$4 and quite large pillars with glittery decorations on them...not even christmasy looking. Hopefully tomorrow I can post pics of our new chairs in the living room!
HELLO 2009!
I'm thinking my resolution should be to be a better blogger. So this will probably last for 2 days! Anyways, Christmas was good and it's been nice relaxing and having a little time off work. I got a new camera (which I've been wanting for a loooooooong time), an awesome scrapbook missy made of our engagement party, some video games, some bridal magazines that I can't stop looking through and lots of other great stuff! Last night we just went to a friends house for NYE and played guitar hero world tour and some cabookii. I really like the guitar hero version, but it's probably just because i'm sick of the songs on rockband.

I'm treating myself to the following present either today or tomorrow. I've been wanting more seating at dustin's in the living area because we only have a couch and chair-- which is a little tight when we have anybody over. I like the look of these brown armless chairs and had found them on sale at Garden Ridge a few weeks ago while xmas shopping. Anyways, I checked the online ad today and they are down to $99- almost half price! Now I think I can convince dustin we need to get 2! They are reasonably comfortable, so works for me!

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