Today we rented a car (the Yaris) so we could go explore some further areas of the island. Our sweet Yaris first took us to the Dole Plantation. We first did the world’s largest maze—the fastest time recorded is 5 minutes. I have no clue how long we were in there, but my guess was close to an hour! In the middle of the maze it started raining…at first it felt good and gave relief from the hot sun…but then it just kept up and was starting to rain harder. Not much you can do when you are in the middle of a maze, so we just kept going! After that we looked at some different varieties of pineapple plants and then just got some pineapple ice cream and perused the gift shop.

We then continued to the North Shore area and ate lunch at Pizza Bob’s and strolled around this little town. We then continued on and checked out Sunset Beach and Waimea Bay. We didn’t get in the water at either place because the waves were pretty big and they had No Swimming signs posted everywhere…but I guess the locals or brave people just ignore those and swim anyways. After baking in the sun for a bit, we drove back to town and got some shaved ice that is well-known in the area. It was awesome and they put it on top of either ice cream or these Japanese beans…we elected for the ice cream. You can also get sweetened condensed milk over the top, but we did not choose that either. We concluded the day by watching the sunset at where else than Sunset Beach. We then got lost 50 million times on the way home, so we did not get the rental car back in time.