So I've been sick for a while and just been real busy....and when I'm not either of those, I'm just lazy! I gotta get back to the blogging though. So I've been trying to learn how to use my new mac mini in my spare time...but it's been rough. I now know how older people feel trying to pick up using a pc-- even the simplest task on the mac I struggle with! So I've been going to youtube and watching tutorials that like 12 year old kids have put together. Man, it sucks getting older! Anyways, I'm slowly getting better and have almost completed a movie of our pics from hawaii!
Not much wedding planning has gone on, but need to get my butt in gear. I went to a bridal show last weekend with my mom and Missy....and it was really just more annoying than anything else and not too helpful. I think my biggest task right now is to get the reception and cermemony locations nailed down...and the show was more about the details like your registry, dress, flowers, djs, etc.
Oh and congratulations to Carly who just got engaged!!! Now I'll have someone going through the same planning with me!
Oahu Day 6 (Thurs)
First things first—I saw 4 rainbows today!!!!!! Unfortunately dustin was only able to capture 2 because they all took place as I was driving and we wasn’t fast enough….but he caught the best one on film and was making fun of me cause I just pulled the car to the side of the road and yelled at him to get out and get that picture for me!!! How perfect is this??

Today we rented a car (the Yaris) so we could go explore some further areas of the island. Our sweet Yaris first took us to the Dole Plantation. We first did the world’s largest maze—the fastest time recorded is 5 minutes. I have no clue how long we were in there, but my guess was close to an hour! In the middle of the maze it started raining…at first it felt good and gave relief from the hot sun…but then it just kept up and was starting to rain harder. Not much you can do when you are in the middle of a maze, so we just kept going! After that we looked at some different varieties of pineapple plants and then just got some pineapple ice cream and perused the gift shop.

We then continued to the North Shore area and ate lunch at Pizza Bob’s and strolled around this little town. We then continued on and checked out Sunset Beach and Waimea Bay. We didn’t get in the water at either place because the waves were pretty big and they had No Swimming signs posted everywhere…but I guess the locals or brave people just ignore those and swim anyways. After baking in the sun for a bit, we drove back to town and got some shaved ice that is well-known in the area. It was awesome and they put it on top of either ice cream or these Japanese beans…we elected for the ice cream. You can also get sweetened condensed milk over the top, but we did not choose that either. We concluded the day by watching the sunset at where else than Sunset Beach. We then got lost 50 million times on the way home, so we did not get the rental car back in time.
Oahu Day 5 (Wed)

Who is that hottie? Today we went to Hanauma Bay and went…..drumroll please….SNORKELING!!! We were waiting at the bus stop for a pretty long time after the supposed pickup time. We see this van taxi on the other side of the street with this driver yelling out the window he will drive to the bay for $5. We didn’t have enough time to flag him down, but the more we kept standing out there we were hoping he would come back. Well about 5-10 minutes later he comes back around, so we take him up on the offer. Little did we know that this guy is just plain crazy, but was hilarious and a wealth of information. He pointed out a rich subdivision where Jamie Lee Curtis and Keanu Reeves both live. It is gated community, but if someone in your car has a Hawaii drivers licence, then you can tell the guard that you are there to go hiking. He will assign you a parking spot and you are to drive directly to the spot and not stop or do anything. We also learned the avg. house on oahu costs $620k. You can no longer build a house on a mountain—he tells us it is now a preserve, but used to be a jelly. I said I did not know what a jelly was. He said it used to be a jelly, before that it was a jam. Get it now—preserve, jelly, jam…haha. He also showed us some Japanese money and taught us Japanese expressions. To say excuse me is something like Su Mee Yien. On the way home, we also took him and he did Hawaii trivia. Wendy answered out of order one time and he said- “I am the taxi nazi- you do that again and you get out and walk home. I am serious. I am taxi nazi. Sometime people turn me down for ride. I see them later and they want ride and I tell them no- I remember you and you turned me down so no ride for you. Then they just look at me.” He also said one time he picked up lady having asthma attack and she said to take her to the hospital. He was so worried she was going to die in his taxi so he ran every red light just honking his horn. He said lady- you want to hang your head out the window or run the A/c…what gives you the best air. He didn’t even make her pay- he gave her free ride for not dying. He also was making the poor guy in the front passenger seat roll down his window to talk to people next to us. He was nuts, but I was dying laughing the whole time. We met a nice couple- Wendy and Jason in the taxi and hung out with them all day and met them back ou that night, so at least something good came of the crazy driver. So back to snorkeling- it was weird and hard, but I can say I did it. My biggest issue was that in some places the coral was really close to the surface and I would scratch my knees going over it-- even has bleeding on both my knees and hands from scraping and cutting them up! Of course when I was sitting on the beach Dustin found the good areas to go then that didn't have all the coral. Anyways, I didn't even freak out when I saw the fish and most of them were really pretty! That's about all for today's news!
Ring Info

Okay, I have been lazy about finishing up posting about my days in Hawaii...but I will get to it. Anyways, I just super looooooooove my ring...I didn't know I could be so fascinated with jewelry, so Dustin better look out now! I've attached the best pic I could get of my ring so far. Also, it is super sparkly and is Hearts and Arrows, which is this perfect cut diamond that looks like hearts and arrows when you use that microscope thing at the jewelers. Anyways, here is a link with more info if interested and what it looks like:
Oahu Day 4 (Tuesday)

Today we took the bus and went hiking at Moana Falls. We took some pictures but were disappointed because it doesn’t even begin to capture being there! You see the critter on the pic to the right that I actually spotted?! You hike through this rainforest which was absolutely beautiful—there was bamboo everywhere along with palm trees and all sorts of greenery. Along the hike you could frequently see this stream of water next to you rippling over the rocks and sometimes little mini waterfalls. The path was really muddy and slippery and I was glad that I had grabbed a walking stick to use on the way in!

They also had an arboretum there, so dustin wanted to walk around there for a while. It was okay, but just is kind of boring for me to look at a bunch of plants after a while. We then rode the bus back to Ala Moana beach and just checked that out—beach was a little bigger than Waikiki and we think this is more where the locals hang out. We then walked into the Hilton Hawaiian Village to check that out because I had looked into staying there. It was pretty nice and if you want a nice resort with a pool and right on the beach, this is the place to be! We then walked along the beach about halfway back until I tuckered out and insisted we catch the bus to bring us the rest of the way! We went to Cheeseburger in Paradise for dinner and it was yummy and they had the strongest drinks ever—after 2 of those I felt done for the night! We went to a place called Tiki’s then to have drinks and listen to live music—it was outdoors and across the street from the beach. It was a guy playing acoustic guitar and he was real good—even played some John Denver and Michael Jackson for Dustin. We stayed out until almost 11, which is the latest I’ve made it so far!
Oahu Day 3 (Mon)
My first day being engaged!

Today we got up early again and ate the free breakfast at the hotel down by the pool area. It was very relaxing and nice.
After that, we boarded a bus to take us to Diamond Head Crater to go hiking. This was almost the most tiring thing I have ever done and was magnified because of the heat and straight sunshine we were in. But the views were really awesome, so it was worth it. I seriously say like people who looked like they were 70 and had canes that were trying to do this….and I would see 3 year old kids….or the Japanese in high heels or fashionable shoes….SO if all of them are doing this, then I should be able to with no problem!!! I’m still curious if the old people really made it to the top or just quit halfway. At the very top you have to climb 271 stairs- some a spiral staircase—and I just get more dizzy than tired on the stupid stairs. The views up top were worth it though--
We come back from that and bring our leftovers from dinner to the beach for a lunch picnic. We eat and swim for a few hours. We made dinner reservations at a nicer place- Hau Tree Lanai which overlooks the beach and is perfect for watching the sunset. Our food was great and the portions were big for such a nice place. We came back and put in a movie and I zonked out by 9pm. Here is pic from dinner--
Oahu- Day 2 (Sunday)
Baby One is getting a dad!!!
Okay, this is the best day ever. I was up at 5am bright and early due to the jetlag. We lounged around for a while and then went out to the beach all morning. The water was absolutely awesome and I did not spot a single fish the whole time! You could go out at least a half mile and the water stayed shallow and never went over your head. There were people surfing so much further out that you could only make out little dots and hardly see them. After the beach we were starving so decided to just hit up this Mexican restaurant- La Cucaracha (doesn't that mean "the cockroach")? It lightly rained for 10 minutes and then the sun was back out! After this we just walked around to all the shops and went to this international marketplace, which we quickly left because it felt like you were in mexico with the sales people all on top of you if your eyes stayed on an object for longer than 2 seconds and they start haggling on the price and everything. We stopped at the Yardhouse which has the largest tap beer selection and had a drink and watched some football.
We had decided for dinner that we would just buy some food and wine and have a picnic on the beach to watch the sunset that night for dinner. I was surprised because dustin kept saying that we could just stop at Cheesecake Factory and get food—and normally we stay away from chain restaurants we can have at home. So we got a ton of food at the factory and came back home and packed up for the picnic. I was thinking in my mind that if he was going to propose on this trip that this could possibly be the time, but I wasn’t sure cause I knew he also kept saying over and over how he wanted to go to a more secluded beach that is not so populated. Obviously we get to the beach and there are a lot of people there watching the sunset, so we were both a little bummed that it wasn’t less crowded…but oh well.
The sun pretty quickly starts diminishing…so dustin tells me that he loves me so much and then reaches into his pocket and is fumbling around for a while and I know this has to be the ring I’ve been waiting for!!!!! Then, being the classy guy he is—he plops it down in front of me and says, “well, I know this may not be the most romantic setting, but here ya go. Open it.” I was scared to open it because dustin has NO fashion sense or anything, so just made me nervous what his brain may have created here. I took a quick peek at it and loved it!!!! He just keeps telling me to hurry up and open it and put it on before the sun goes down cause he was worried it would get too dark and I wouldn’t be able to see it. So we take some pictures and then enjoy our feast! I told him I wasn’t so sure he was going to propose because I was with him when he packed and knew everything in the suitcase, but at some point he just snuck it into his shorts pocket and had been in there the entire trip. Forgot to mention Dustin spilled his red wine on my brand new white oversized beach towel I had just bought! He said it will just be a good memory of the night he proposed now! Here are some pics...
Oahu- Day 1 (Sat)
The trip gets off to a rocky start and I blame it all on “dustin luck.” “Dustin luck” is a term a friend invented because of Dustin’s notoriously constant bad luck. (Doesn’t really explain how he dates me but oh well!) Anyways, flight leaves at 6am so we ask for a cab to come at 4:30am. We are 7 miles from airport and since there is no traffic we should be there around 4:40-4:45. It is 4:33 and standing in the kitchen waiting, so I tell Dustin to call. The person says he got lost and will be there in 5 minutes. Ok, not a huge deal….so we wait. Now it is like 4:42, so I tell Dustin to call again because it is almost 10 minutes later. Calls and they say he took another wrong turn, but he is 2 minutes away. Flash forward to 4:50 and now I am seriously freaking out if this guy is ever going to make it. At this point I’m trying to think of what plan B should be and when do we give up on this cab. So finally he shows up about 4:52 and has this ancient paper map book on his seat and mumbles something about how my street wasn’t on the map. I DON’T CARE!!!!! Get a GPS or print directions from the internet!!!! Technology has advanced since 1985 so maybe ditch the stupid map book!!!!! Anyways, I told dustin to let me handle paying the guy because I have no issue giving him NO TIP—you don’t deserve a tip picking up someone that late. Anyways, we get to the airport and the driver didn’t charge us at all—so that was sweet and there were no lines inside so we had plenty of time to spare! The flight was long, but not too bad. Dustin did a really good job and didn’t seem too sick or nervous. I told him since he had to overcome his flying fear that I will have to try snorkeling—haha, we’ll see if I can hold up on that deal! Here is a pic from my airplane seat—you can see the diamond head crater and then to the lower right corner, that is Waikiki beach—I LOVE the blue waters!!!

We checked into the hotel which was pretty nice and an awesome location and then just walked around. We stopped and ate at an outdoor restaurant (LuLu’s) that overlooked Waikiki Beach. I had my first real Hawaiian mai tai here which was awesome! Dustin tried the local brews by Kona Brewing Company and absolutely loved all of them. We had some good sandwiches and knew this would be the start to a great week (and gaining 10 pounds). I ordered garlic fries there—they were absolutely insane with seriously a whole BULB of garlic chopped down over them—way too strong even for me! They were even playing the IL/Penn St game there, so that was cool except that the illini lost. We walked at night after dinner and stumbled upon The House Without a Key which is a restaurant in this nice hotel that I wanted to check out. We sat out on the patio and had drinks and watched hula dancers and Hawaiian music. Oh, did I mention they also provide free potato chips on the table—HEAVEN! It was a great time and conclusion to our day!
We checked into the hotel which was pretty nice and an awesome location and then just walked around. We stopped and ate at an outdoor restaurant (LuLu’s) that overlooked Waikiki Beach. I had my first real Hawaiian mai tai here which was awesome! Dustin tried the local brews by Kona Brewing Company and absolutely loved all of them. We had some good sandwiches and knew this would be the start to a great week (and gaining 10 pounds). I ordered garlic fries there—they were absolutely insane with seriously a whole BULB of garlic chopped down over them—way too strong even for me! They were even playing the IL/Penn St game there, so that was cool except that the illini lost. We walked at night after dinner and stumbled upon The House Without a Key which is a restaurant in this nice hotel that I wanted to check out. We sat out on the patio and had drinks and watched hula dancers and Hawaiian music. Oh, did I mention they also provide free potato chips on the table—HEAVEN! It was a great time and conclusion to our day!
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