First off, HUGE step in the right direction where we ditched our Windows 8 laptop and got a new Windows 7 it is much easier for me to get my pics uploaded and hopefully keep up on the blogging each month! I love how plump she is getting...still not as big as Lachs was or a super chubby baby, but I'll take it!

Eating Habits:
- We still offer 5 bottles each day, but she was hardly ever finishing them and it seemed to be getting worse, so I've basically cut them all down to just 5 ounces starting this week. Recently she sometimes may only take 2-3 ounces out of the bottle, so not sure what exactly is going on.
- She typically eats baby food only once/day at lunch. Eats 3.5-4oz.
- We still give her Miralax each morning- about 1 tsp...however, this doesn't seem to be helping much as she really seems in pain and struggles with her poos.
- I worry sometimes she is not eating enough, but she seems happy and pushes the bottle away, so am just following her lead.
Makenzie Random Notes:
- I took this week off work so I could spend some quality time with the kids. It was REALLY nice to get to be around them so much, especially since Makenzie is changing so quickly!
- SHE HAS ROLLED! She first rolled from tummy to back on Saturday 5/17 while we were playing on the family room floor. She first rolled from back to tummy on Saturday 5/24. I had laid her on her back in Lachlan's room while I was changing his diaper, left to go wash my hands and as I was coming back in the room I see her finishing rolling over. She did it a couple more times that day. However, it is very rare that she rolls....maybe she has done in 10-15 times since she started.
- She has greatly improved with eating her food...not near as much goes to waste. I started feeding her this week in the high chair rather than her bouncy seat. Such a big girl already!
- Really likes to just feel blankets and textures with her little hands. When I give her a bottle she is frequently reaching for my shirt, burp cloth, blanket, or something nearby to feel. When she swings, she holds on to the pillow up by her head ALWAYS.
- Still not a fan of tummy time, but hasn't figured out she just needs to roll over and can avoid it.
- We are practicing sitting her up, but don't think she is very close. This week I finally was able to let go of her for maybe 5 seconds or so and she held her balance.
- She had some uncharacteristic fussy periods the last few days, so maybe she is just sick of being home and the same old toys, but who knows. At one point I resorted to some Tylenol in case she was teething, but I still can't feel or see anything breaking through.
- Still does not jump in her jumperoo or bounce herself in the bouncy seat like Lachlan did. She is most happy on her playmat/gym or just watching whatever Lachlan is doing.
- I think I'm the only one that hasn't heard her laugh yet. She is so happy, but hard to get to laugh. This week she was laughing outside as my mom and lachlan rolled her in the stroller between the two of them. And Lachlan also had her laughing at another time when he would squeal. I missed both of them!
- She typically wears 6 month clothes or many of her 3-6 month clothes still fit. I did wash several 9 month items this week cause know she is getting close to needing those.
- It was a little too chilly for her to fully get in the pool, but she got to splash and kick her feets in the water at grandma and grandpa's house this week. She was so relaxed and frequently slept out there.
Typical schedule:
- Really no major change from 6 months. Still doesn't have a set schedule, which is nice since we are frequently on the go on weekends.
- Wakes anywhere from about 5:15-6:30. She will lay in bed for over 30 minutes without crying waiting for someone to come get her. So when she wakes early we can let her in the crib for a while, but usually still move her to the swing for a bit. She doesn't seem starving in the mornings.
- Bottle around 7am-- just this week cut back to 5 oz.
- I tried a few times getting her to sleep 1.5 hrs after waking since that is what was recommended with Lachlan to start getting them on a schedule, but she just doesn't seem tired. Usually it is more like 9 or so before she goes to sleep again.
- Bottle around 10:30 am-- cut back to 5oz.
- Food for lunch around noon-- about 3.5-4oz of a fruit or veggie.
- Bottle around 1 - 2pm-- may just do 4 oz in this one if was close to when she ate lunch.
- Try to get her to sleep.
- Bottle around 4:30-- 5 oz.
- Bottle around 7:30-- 5 oz. Give to her in her rocking chair and rock her for a few minutes before laying in the crib. Sleeps with white noise on.
My FAVORITE funny! |
Pool party at Grandma's house! |
First Mother's Day with Kenzie |
Tummy Time for the first few seconds |
What tummy time looks like after a bit |
Tummy time is always better with a big brother! |
Trip to the Arboretum |
Saw enough flowers and plants at the arboretum, so took a snooze |