Every once in a while I'm going to try to capture details of how my day goes. I wish I would have done this when Lachlan was a baby cause would be interesting to look back at BUT...I don't think I ever would have had the time to do it cause he was such a handful!
This post is a little late, but is from Tuesday 11/19/13- so Makenzie was exactly 3 weeks old. For the first 2 weeks either Dustin or my mom was here, so this was the first week it was all on my own!
1:05AM: Makenzie wakes up, but is a little early from when she normally feeds, so I just rock her and she goes back to sleep.
2:15AM: Up again, this time I give her a 3 oz. bottle and she is back to sleep at 2:40.
4:45AM: Makenzie is up. I change her diaper and make a 2 oz. bottle but she hardly takes any of the bottle before dozing off.
5:50AM: Lachlan decides he is a rooster and to get up at the crack of dawn.
The good part of this is that Dustin is still home, so he can get him up and dressed for me. I'm awake, but just lay in bed relaxing. Lachlan comes and joins me in bed to watch tv.
6:15AM: Makenzie is up again, so I rock her until she settles back to sleep, but only until 6:30. I feed her a 2 oz. bottle and then change her diaper cause she has pooped.
7:00AM: I decide to go ahead and shower- Makenzie usually enjoys the relaxing noise of the shower and doesn't mind hanging out in there.
I have everything ready at 7:30 to take Lachlan to school. However, I let him play on the iPad for a bit before we head out the door.
7:50AM: We take Lachlan to school. I put Makenzie's carseat in the stroller to wheel her in so I can minimize lifting. Lachlan is happy to be at school!
8:15AM: We are back home. I put her in the swing so I can eat some breakfast and relax!
9:15AM: I feed her a 3 oz. bottle and put her back in the swing. She is asleep at 9:30.
10:30AM: I fall asleep watching tv on the couch and sleep until noon! This sounds good, but now I feel more tired. I lounge about watching Family Feud...yes, I enjoy game shows...especially during the limited daytime tv options!
12:30PM: She wakes up, so I change her poopy diaper again. And I feed her another 3 oz. bottle and put her in the Boppy Lounger.
1:30PM: Time for lunch! I heat up my food and start eating...and of course, Miss Makenzie starts crying. So I stop eating and hold her until she calms down.
2:00PM: Finish eating my lunch and she is back in the lounger. She just drifts in and out of sleep, so I decide to get some chores done. I cleaned the kitchen, vacuumed (which she LOVED and put her to sleep), made the guest bed, and started working on birth announcements.
4:30PM: Makenzie wakes up after sleeping about 2 hours, so I feed her a 2 oz. bottle and we load into the car to go get Lachs. Home at 5:40 from picking him up.
6:00PM: Dustin is home and we eat dinner. Lachlan is always the first to finish, so we let him go watch Elmo while we finish dinner.
Once I'm done eating, I give Makenzie another bottle.
A little before 7:00 we go upstairs to play until bath/bed time.
7:15PM: Dustin gives Lachlan his bath. Makenzie is fussy, so I am trying to calm her. Dustin reads Lachlan his bedtime stories.
8:00PM: Lachlan is in bed. We go to the media room to catch up on an old Homeland episode. Makenzie is still fussy, but finally falls asleep on Dustin around 8:30 while we are watching it. We watch a little bit of a David Blaine magic show afterwards until she wakes up.
9:30PM: I head off to bed while Dustin stays up to give Makenzie her last bottle before bed. I play a little candy crush. The plan is to try having her sleep in the guest bedroom so that way she is close to our room, but far enough away I won't hear all of her grunting and noises. I can't fall asleep cause can hear poor Lachlan coughing really badly in his room, so am worried about him. And Dustin does not seem to be having an easy time with Makenzie...she has pooped 3 times in 15 minutes and he is getting all worked up and frustrated with her.
10:15PM: I "unplug" and close my eyes knowing I have to be tired and will eventually fall asleep. And I slept great until 2:15AM when the cycle starts all over again!!
Lachlan - 23 months
I really can't believe my next Lachlan post will be for his 2 YEAR birthday...oh, where does the time go?!?! I really think every few months I keep changing my mind that this is the best/cutest stage, but I REALLY love this stage he is in now and am so lucky to be home spending some more time with him than usual.
And then he really waned to put his sticker on Teddy and take more pictures...

He really got into pumpkins- he loved going for stroller rides and walks around the neighborhood looking for pumpkins. We went to the Dallas Arboretum which had a HUGE pumpkin display- I think it was something like over 30,000 pumpkins! He enjoyed that and got to bring home 3 little pumpkins. He would just carry them around outside and move them around the landscaping. However, as much as he loved pumpkins...he appeared not to be a fan of Halloween. I had bought the cutest Elmo costume, but he screamed and had a tantrum every time I tried to put it on him....so back to the store it went! Maybe next year he'll want to dress up and go trick or treating.
It was fine with me cause he spent Halloween at the hospital with me and spending time with his new sister Makenzie! He has been an awesome Big Brother and WAAAAY better than I thought he would be. I really thought he would be trying to pick her up or do dangerous things with/to her. So far he just really isn't all that overly interested in her. He has been pretty gentle with touching her...or at least attempts to be gentle. When he wakes up, he always asks where "bebe" is and wants to see her and he always says "bye bebe" before he goes to bed. He always refers to her as "bebe." I was a tad worried how he would handle us being at the hospital for 4 days, but he had no issues leaving us there! And he doesn't seem to have any jealousy issues with the baby eating a lot of my time.
Loves pumpkins, can finally say Grandma, refused to wear elmo costume, Big brother!
The boy is becoming a little chatterbox...and I love it! There are many times I can't understand him, and he is so patient and doesn't get frustrated. He is string several words together for short phrases - and has been doing this for at least a month or so, but think I keep forgetting to mention it! One of his first phrases was "I see you!" He is starting to sing words to songs like Old MacDonald, Wheels on Bus, Elmo's World, etc. One of his big achievements is he can finally say "Grandma" which he struggled really bad with before and usually wouldn't even attempt to say it.
He can count clearly to 13 and he attempts numbers after that, but all the "teens" sound the same. He can also identify some of the numbers. He can identify all letters of alphabet in upper case and most in lower case. He still is not really getting the hang of colors or shapes yet. He gets them right sometimes where I think he may know them, but then will go on a streak of getting them all wrong...so who knows.
This boy never really enjoyed being held, sitting on laps, snuggling, etc. but lately he has got much better and will snuggle up by us while watching tv. He has also really taken to his stuffed animals and gray blanket he sleeps with at home. He is really good about giving out kisses and hugs too. As always, he is really good about going to sleep for naps and bedtime- I am SO appreciative of his, especially with the new baby to deal with now. Immediately when he finishes lunch, he puts his hand to his head and says "Nighty Night" and heads upstairs.
He is going to school only 3 days a week now while I'm on maternity leave. He seems to really like going there now- one of his teachers (Ms. Jessica) came back that had left and Lachlan really seems to take to her.
And then he really waned to put his sticker on Teddy and take more pictures...
He really got into pumpkins- he loved going for stroller rides and walks around the neighborhood looking for pumpkins. We went to the Dallas Arboretum which had a HUGE pumpkin display- I think it was something like over 30,000 pumpkins! He enjoyed that and got to bring home 3 little pumpkins. He would just carry them around outside and move them around the landscaping. However, as much as he loved pumpkins...he appeared not to be a fan of Halloween. I had bought the cutest Elmo costume, but he screamed and had a tantrum every time I tried to put it on him....so back to the store it went! Maybe next year he'll want to dress up and go trick or treating.
It was fine with me cause he spent Halloween at the hospital with me and spending time with his new sister Makenzie! He has been an awesome Big Brother and WAAAAY better than I thought he would be. I really thought he would be trying to pick her up or do dangerous things with/to her. So far he just really isn't all that overly interested in her. He has been pretty gentle with touching her...or at least attempts to be gentle. When he wakes up, he always asks where "bebe" is and wants to see her and he always says "bye bebe" before he goes to bed. He always refers to her as "bebe." I was a tad worried how he would handle us being at the hospital for 4 days, but he had no issues leaving us there! And he doesn't seem to have any jealousy issues with the baby eating a lot of my time.
Loves pumpkins, can finally say Grandma, refused to wear elmo costume, Big brother!
The boy is becoming a little chatterbox...and I love it! There are many times I can't understand him, and he is so patient and doesn't get frustrated. He is string several words together for short phrases - and has been doing this for at least a month or so, but think I keep forgetting to mention it! One of his first phrases was "I see you!" He is starting to sing words to songs like Old MacDonald, Wheels on Bus, Elmo's World, etc. One of his big achievements is he can finally say "Grandma" which he struggled really bad with before and usually wouldn't even attempt to say it.
He can count clearly to 13 and he attempts numbers after that, but all the "teens" sound the same. He can also identify some of the numbers. He can identify all letters of alphabet in upper case and most in lower case. He still is not really getting the hang of colors or shapes yet. He gets them right sometimes where I think he may know them, but then will go on a streak of getting them all wrong...so who knows.
This boy never really enjoyed being held, sitting on laps, snuggling, etc. but lately he has got much better and will snuggle up by us while watching tv. He has also really taken to his stuffed animals and gray blanket he sleeps with at home. He is really good about giving out kisses and hugs too. As always, he is really good about going to sleep for naps and bedtime- I am SO appreciative of his, especially with the new baby to deal with now. Immediately when he finishes lunch, he puts his hand to his head and says "Nighty Night" and heads upstairs.
He is going to school only 3 days a week now while I'm on maternity leave. He seems to really like going there now- one of his teachers (Ms. Jessica) came back that had left and Lachlan really seems to take to her.
Hauling around his "heavy" pumpkins |
Last picture of our family of 3 before I headed to the hospital |
At the hospital to meet his new sister! |
Grandma babysat for the week while we were at the hospital |
Bringing baby sister home |
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