1. Nosefrieda- the Snotsucker
This thing is amazing! I had high hopes based on the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Amazon and it has lived up to the hype. Lachlan got his first cold after starting daycare and so I got to give this a whirl. Surprisingly he has only cried a couple times when using this and most of the time doesn't really seem to mind. It gets out huge boogies and snot- and he really seems to be able to breathe crystal clear after using it. I know it sounds gross cause you basically suck the gunk out with your mouth, but there is a sponge that stops anything from coming in your mouth- and believe me, you'd have to suck really hard in order for it to travel all the way up there!
2. Bouncy Seat
Any bouncy seat would do, but we chose this one. This is a definite must-have for any young baby- he loves bouncing up and down and/or loves the vibrating motion. He sleeps in here sometimes and other times just sits and plays. We currently aren't even using the top part that plays music and has toys to pull and watch.
3. Wubbanub
We just got this last week and while it hasn't been a lifesaver or must-have item, I definitely like it and think we'll find it useful. We have 4 pacifiers, yet we are always struggling to find one when we need it! By having the little monkey attached to it, now it's easy to locate. It also helps Lachlan keep it in his mouth and not go flying when he loses suction. The only downside so far is that he'll start playing with the monkey while sucking on the pacifier, then he gets excited and pulls on the monkey which pulls it out of his mouth.
4. Nap Nanny
So after turning 3 months, Lachlan has decided he no longer likes to sleep good at night. It got so bad that he was getting up around 4 times/night and it would take forever to get him settled down back to sleep each time. Daycare let me bring home a Nap Nanny to try and he has LOVED it so far and basically back to sleeping through the night for 10+ hours. In my opinion it has several of the same features as his rock n play that he slept so well in- has the incline and is snug against his sides.
5. Sassy Black & White/Photo Book
Lachlan LOVES this thing. The book is soft so it's great for him to hold and swat around. Each page shows a black and white image that he will just study for minutes at a time. As they grow older you can put pictures in here and use it as a photo album. I'm so glad i randomly found this at Target!