Just a tip to share with people too, but apparently there is bowling etiquette or protocol. Luckily the team that shares our space is fairly cool about things, but they seem to have some serious bowlers (who aren't even good) but they use towels to dry off the ball each time before they bowl and just quirky things. I started off by bowling at the same time they did-- wasn't aware that you wait until the bowler in the lane next to you finishes before you go. Now I'm just that much wiser though...learning so much!! Best part of the league are the $3 nachos I can pig out on each week!
Bowling League
So for something to fill my time after the wedding I decided to try and get some friends together for a bowling league....so that is our current Thursday night activity! It's great cause it's at Flamingo Bowl which is a block from our loft and fun since I've never done it before! We signed up through these flyers at work, but out of all the thousands of AT&T employees, they only had enough for 3 teams so it's us and then some other random teams of people. I found out later there was a punk rock music league on Tuesday nights...so may have to try that one out next time! I missed the first couple weeks while on the honeymoon, so I show up finally and am telling everyone that I am super awful. I ended up bowling a 160 for one of my games!!!!!!!! I had the 2nd highest score of the women in the whole league that night with that game! My other games didn't go quite as well, but not awful. Then the following week it was so comical that I did so HORRIBLE-- got like 71 in one game and 80 in another and then just broke a hundred in the other one. So tomorrow night I gotta redeem myself!!
Just a tip to share with people too, but apparently there is bowling etiquette or protocol. Luckily the team that shares our space is fairly cool about things, but they seem to have some serious bowlers (who aren't even good) but they use towels to dry off the ball each time before they bowl and just quirky things. I started off by bowling at the same time they did-- wasn't aware that you wait until the bowler in the lane next to you finishes before you go. Now I'm just that much wiser though...learning so much!! Best part of the league are the $3 nachos I can pig out on each week!
Just a tip to share with people too, but apparently there is bowling etiquette or protocol. Luckily the team that shares our space is fairly cool about things, but they seem to have some serious bowlers (who aren't even good) but they use towels to dry off the ball each time before they bowl and just quirky things. I started off by bowling at the same time they did-- wasn't aware that you wait until the bowler in the lane next to you finishes before you go. Now I'm just that much wiser though...learning so much!! Best part of the league are the $3 nachos I can pig out on each week!
Doesn't get any better than this!
So we've been talking forever that we NEED another bon jovi concert BIG TIME! We went to one up in Chicago and had one of the best nights ever a few years ago with me, missy, dustin, devin, carly, and katherine. Almost 2 years ago I went with Crystal and Missy to KC to see him and we had a fun time there too. Now I feel due for another show! So he announced his new tour and no St. Louis on the list. And every city close to us was during the week, so wasn't working out too well. Soooooooooo I see that he is playing in Vegas on a Saturday night and Dustin has been BEGGING me to go to vegas with him and that we'd have fun. So it looks like I get to see Jon Bon and Dustin gets our trip to vegas! Now I just gotta find some good deals...and also looks like we have quite a few friends so far that are up for going too....so just gotta hope this all follows through!!

Halloween begins!
So this last weekend we went to our usual halloween party. This year we didn't seem to know as many people, but we had a lot of fun with our friends that were there...probably one of the best I can remember! Dustin and I REALLY struggled with costumes-- I can partly blame it on we were busy with the wedding, then gone on the honeymoon, then once we were back were busy with writing the thank yous and just trying to get the place organized and put away. Then we just couldn't agree on anything-- everything I liked, he didn't...everything he wanted to do I thought was lame. So it was Saturday afternoon (party is Sat. night) and we still didn't have anything....so I caved in and went with dustin's idea. let's see if you can figure it out by the picture.....
If you guessed honeymooners, then you were right! I know, super corny! We just made some sweatshirts that had a jar of honey on the front and then bought fake butts to moon people. Next year we are going with one of my ideas and not waiting until the last minute! One of our friends brought a cooler with a fabulous drink-- I'll share the recipe and I can't wait to make this for any upcoming fall/winter parties we have! It tastes EXACTLY like some applie pie!
Bring 1 gallon apple juice and 1 gallon apple cider to a boil on the stove (optional to add cinnamon sticks too). After it's boiling, add one cup sugar and 1 liter bottle of Absolute vodka. Remove from heat (and remove cinnamon sticks). Put back into 1 gallon jugs and place in fridge to cool. After it cools, serve it as is.
Ok, my plan really is to get better about blogging and catch up on all the wedding stuff at some point. Things are FINALLY starting to slow down a little...I think after this weekend I'll have most everything off my "to do" list. This week is finishing up some name change things and have to get inspections on my car to renew my plates. Can't wait til that is all done!
The Luckiest
So I've determined that although dustin has the worst luck of anyone, I think I usually get pretty lucky with things. For the second time this month I'm the grand prize winner of something!!! (Too bad it can't be for the lottery!) My grandma had entered my name in some raffle and I won the big prize-- a quilt! Don't really have a use for it now, but I like being a winner....and just one more thing to store up til we get the big house!
Grand Prize Winner!!!!!!
So, we had a longtime friend get married a couple weekends ago and she had Studio B at her wedding also. For those that don't know, it's kind of like an updated photobooth concept. Anyways, a bunch of the pics we had tried to do just didn't turn out to well...so at the end of the night we just thought of completely stupid stuff to do and this one turned out awesome! The picture in the top right the photographer blogged that we are the grand prize winner (of nothing) for photo of the month! The groomsmen had some Boone's Farm wine earlier in the night for some pics and so mom saw the bottle laying around and suggested we use that for a picture. Well, Idiot Gus thought the bottle was empty, so i just close my eyes, knock my head back and turn the bottle upside down to fake pouring it into our mouths....only the bottle was still like a quarter FULL!!!!!! So you can see in the picture mom freaking out that i'm actually pouring this and by the time I realize it, it is all over our dresses!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so funny!
Here's the closeup:

All right, more posts to come soon but been busy trying to get the thank you cards done and all our gifts organized and put away! Soon I'll have some free time though and go back and blog about all the wedding stuff!
Anyone own this?
Hi, we are thinking about buying an All-clad red cast aluminum 5.5 Qt oven and just wondering if anyone out there owns one of these and how they like it? Any feedback would be helpful before we invest in purchasing this. Thanks- and feedback asap would be greatly appreciated.
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